I will be using this thread to post when I am doing clan tryouts.
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I will be using this thread to post when I am doing clan tryouts.
This first post will be used for updates.
Holding tryouts today friday June 28th, starting 4 pm pacific 7 pm eastern...I am on now shoot me a message to get your tryout out of the way tonight.
CAG CheechDogg
What do you mean ?
CAG PATRON 11-22-12
Does this mean the two week probation has gone ?
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
This is for all the recruits who are trying to get games in , here is there chance to play games with the clan.
Sent you a friend request and a message telling you I'm a recruit a while ago. What do these tryouts consist of?
well do the tryouts only apply to you or any clan members i spent 4 hours playing tonight had a great time so does that account for anything. just curious.
No, the 2 week probation is still on, I can direct invite a recruit into the clan if I like what I see...
Your time played counts for everything, make sure you either impress a high ranking officer or you get your marksman's badge
Ahh okay I got you
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
Just a way for me to get new recruits and members to play together, I have seen in the past that people like to play with recruits and new members and be part of tryouts and or evaluations for many reasons. It is always fun to see new members playing and more so in recent weeks because I have been playing with all types of players, from aggressive to tactful, to competitive and casual.
I have seen new shit like tactical insertions and more people using the riotshield once again. I have seen players with 2 primaries and M203s attached busting some ass on the other teams.
So yes, this just allows me to quickly make a decision on someone just by how they play. Even though I am a "Camper" by nature, I do understand the aggressive player and will compromise to make them feel at home with the rest of the clan. I was told I need to adapt a little more and interact and play with the aggressives, the run-N-gunners.
I am still working on building that new breed of player, a breed that "WILL" adapt to any situation and having those aggressive players on your team is the key.
I will be playing Black Ops 2 later tonight in about an hour or two up until about 5-6 am pacific time. If you guys are on shoot me a message and I will invite you to the party.
Yeh I get you good idea bro
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
U know me cheech i can run n gun and hold down my spot..
Im with silent there :D I can do it all lol....
can recruits set up clan game battles.
well i have been playing with mostly clan memebers working on marksmanship but i have really good days and really bad days. one thing i know i need to work on is that i have played alot not many hours but before cag i had a mic and there where either bashing each other or saying nothing so i know my communications needs work. i do enjoy playing here tho
So you don't have a mic now?
yes i have a mic. going to be getting the turtle beach sevens pretty soon,but i have the 500s right now. on a side note i believe i have made the requirment of being on line on the forums for 3 days a week. just curious someone say they couldnt hear me. i played today and didnt seem to have any problems. i am very aware of the mic requirment.
I am getting on in about 5 mins...have you done your marksman?
no still working on it. i have one confirmed
I will be on BLOPS2 for the next few hours for any recruit who wants to get some games in
Do you play at night Cheech? I play mostly nights after work. I'm hoping to get it out of the way when I arrive at home tonight at about 10pm central time.
Think I am getting on tonight boys. Saddle up
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Is there a tryout coming up anytime soon
The clan is currently holding daily tryouts my Man , this is an old thread which I have not updated in a while so my apologies ... You have already submitted your application to join so make sure you stay on top of your application thread for further instructions ...
When is the next tryout since I wanto to get it out of the way
You got your instructions here: https://www.cagclan.com/community/th...l=1#post221620
Jordan, my dude, I have been waiting to play with you so we can get your Marksman games out of the way. We tried to play a few games a couple days ago but you stopped playing and I havent seen nor heard from you since, my friend.
I will be more than happy to see you through this trial period and get you your Marksman badge. I just need you to put in the work with me.