Anytime you guys need a change in your username for the website. Please post it here.
Do not change your name and add CAG to it until you know you have made it into the clan.
The format should be:
Old Username:
New Username:
Printable View
Anytime you guys need a change in your username for the website. Please post it here.
Do not change your name and add CAG to it until you know you have made it into the clan.
The format should be:
Old Username:
New Username:
Old Username: Drive
New Username: Driv3 1402
This is to change my current name to my gamertag. I noticed most peeps have it as theirs.
Old username: iLiTEz
New Username: CriTicaL VoLtz
Old Username: xCannibal Troll
New Username: iFile Corrupted
Changed my gamertag to have my clan title in my gt
Old Username: Sidebang
New Username: Sidebangx
Reason for this is during regristration i mucked up my email addresses and havent been able to change it so there two Sidebangs one with the x is my xbl name hoping youll be able to do something about it. Thanks!
I will have these name changes done tonight
CAG Randuken > CAG R a n d y ... Changed my g/t just didn't like Randuken any more :)
Sent from aboard the Super Six One
Old Username: JDChubbyBunny
New Username: CAG Er0s
old username Wayward SNIP3R
new username CAG HOG
I'm loving seeing everyone with CAG! Taking over xbl
Sent from TheBatMobile
Old username: killerforhire3
new username: CAG killer4hire
can we get Mrsharrett changed to MrSHARRETT to avoid any confusion between his forum username and his GT
Hey guys, just wondering if it was cool if I changed my name to CAG TexasRecon??? let me know yalls thoughts!
I say he'll yea bro!
Sent from TheBatMobile
Heeellllllllll yeaaaaaah Recon!!!
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
Old username:pisspawz
New username: CAG pisspawz
This will also be my new gt if that's ok???
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
Hey guys i changed it.. It's CAG TxRECON.. Cheech, can change my user name to the same on the site??? Thanks guys, send me an add!!!
old username: ImaDadgumSpook
new username: ImaDadgumGhost
Apparently I have to change my username on the site because someone thinks it's racial. I am NOT racist FYI. It actually means a Ghost NOT a slur term for a African-American. I am not going to change my Gamertag.
All the name requests have been made.....thank you !
Thanks Cheech!! Look forward to playing with you sometime
can i have my old name back please somehow im COG HOG instead of CAG HOG
Thanks cheech
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
I Know about 6 to 10 Members that will gladly help u out with that name change and provide u the points and thats not includeing my self .
But seeing your reaction and comments . I highly doubt anyone will now .
When ur application first came through .I discussed ur gamertag with you and I took ur answer as a confermation that is wasn't ment in a racial way at all .
But you have to understand that having that at the end of your gamertag will only offend pepole in the public lobbys .
Pepole will not take the time to ask u what it means .
Its going to be one shit talking fest and that is something us here at CAG will never tolerate .
So the bottom line is . If you wish to continue here with CAG . I highly suggest that you change It .
If not than it was nice having you here . :thumbup:
CAG PATRON 11-22-12
Sorry HOG I was working on fixing your username because it had a "yl" at the end of it...I got it figured out ...
Don't worry about changing your gamertag anymore, you are now "officially" disqualified from entry into CAG.
thanks cheech
No problem
I knew the guys gamertag was really gonna cause problems for him the minute I see his app come through smh
But honestly it could of turned out way different for him but he just went off the handle with it lol :what:
But hey better now and not later . We can't have someone like him representing CAG with that gamertag . Even if he doesn't mean it in a racial way .
CAG PATRON 11-22-12
Ktva ares
cag ares,
All cap guys. No lower case
Would it be ok if I change my gamer tag to CAG REAPER?
If yes, then thats the change.
Yeah. It may not seem racial to you. But it is to us.
Sent from underneath Cheech's couch. I can smell his cheeks.
What's all involved with doing this ?
Old GT - MongoIs
old gamertag: Lethal DukButtr
new gamertag: CAG LETHALHOBBS
I am changing my gamertag name from covieleader2 to CAG Covieleader to reflect my pride and responsability. Thank you CAG Brothers
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2