Spoiler ~ Infinite Warfare ~ Spoiler
Couldn't figure out how to do a hidden spoiler tag in a reply so this thread is new so that people who don't want to read can just not click it.
Spoilers below, go away if you don't want to hear about them!
Call of Duty just did a live video on twitch talking about the new game with some of the developers/designers/etc.
I just finished watching it and there was some good info discussed.
The premise of the story/game is based around the money is up in space so armies are fighting over control to be the rich power house of the economy. This ultimately means that the rich power house is trying to put constrains on the ground life on planets so that they can't have the resources to over take space.
Things to take directly from the talk:
Combat (single player):
Boost on ground and zero gravity missions, convertible spaceships air fighting.
Combat (multiplayer):
Boost on ground. Advanced movement (by the way they were talking it didn't seem like something to crazy, my guess would be like stuff like, a roll dodge instead of the slide in bo3, higher jumping then normal humans, and maybe faster running but that's all guessing)
Maps (single player):
Space (inside ships, outside in 0g using grappling hooks)
Other planets
Maps (multiplayer):
Space (inside ships)
Other planets
Game play info:
They mentioned something about a map where you are on an out of control astroid flying close to the sun, in the sunlight it is +2000°, in the shade is -200°. If you are not under cover you will burn up. This was explained as a single player mission but nothing towards a multiplayer map was mentioned, still could be a possibility.
CoD4 Remastered:
They talked a little bit about it but nothing that wasn't already leaked. They did show some pictures of the updated graphics and if I find them I will post them here.
On the stream, Infinity Ward’s Project Director Brian Bright talked about the zombies mode and stated “its own completely different universe apart from Infinite Warfare” and will be separate from Treyarch and Sledgehammer Games’ zombies modes.
He followed up to state that there will be easter eggs and they are taking it “even one step further.”
Pic they showed on stream: