Hello CAG members i followed my thread to what and who to add in otder to do my first TDM marksman
If any FULL CAG members avail add me up s1ck sh0tz38 as i was waiting almost a day to play with someone :)
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Hello CAG members i followed my thread to what and who to add in otder to do my first TDM marksman
If any FULL CAG members avail add me up s1ck sh0tz38 as i was waiting almost a day to play with someone :)
What are you playing your profile only says Xb1
Also having trouble finding the time to play when everyone is online. Work has been crazy! Couldn't get on until after 10pm last night and got one session in and sucked it up. Then everyone logged off. I don't think I'll make marksman in the two weeks. Big bummer
As long as your are seen to be trying and putting the effort in trying to achieve marksman(the actual want to do it) and activity on the forums extensions can be granted.
When it comes to the forums with yourself man you current post count from what I can see is 1.
To qualify a post to your post count it must be at least 200 characters long.
Your recruit requirements include a minimum number of posts from each and every recruit.
Oh I see. I had no idea about posts. That's good to know. Does it matter where I post or anything? I was actually supposed to be on surgery leave for 3 weeks when I joined the clean so I would have had a lot of time to try and get it. But my surgery got pushed to march and now I'm stick working crazy hours. I'll keep trying my best on keeping up with forums and trying to get my marksman. Thank you
Yes man I would say it does matter where you put your posts as long as they are in relevant forums and threads to the topic being talked about ie your not gonna talk about game related stuff in a music or movie related thread.
But yeah the requirement for the posts pertaining to the recruitment process is all detailed in the reply to your application that you would have received.
I know that new forums can feel a bit daunting at time about where to post,what to post etc as I felt the same whenever I first joined.only think that helped me get through it was just to generally browse,post on topics that interested me and basically get involved as its a big aspect of the clan.
Last suggestion Klumpy lol - The clan always will come 2nd to life may it be family issues,personal stuff,schooling,leave due to military service or in your case your surgery.It is definitely always very much appreciated if u need a leave of absence or are expecting to go M.I.A that u let us know if its physically possible.
There is also a mobile application called tapatalk that can be downloaded to any smart phone to allow you to be able to post and browse the forums wherever you are but yeah man just feel free to browse and post as noones going to condem you for doing so.
I'm assuming you're on the West Coast - most of us are Central so when you logged on last night and we were able to get you into a group it was already 12-1am for us and we had all been playing since about 6pm. Most of us had work or children to be up with in the morning.
As far as your Marksman is concerned, we will work with you. I'd strongly suggest using this thread:
and then heading to the xboxlive.com website and adding people via that. There's a lot of people to add. If you do this then you'll have a better shot at catching a full time member online to help you with your Marksman.
With that said, if you're unable to a hold of someone I would suggest downloading the application KIK or Hourglass and sending me a message. I'll login XBL and find someone to pick you up. Your Marksman as well as yours S1ck are absolute priority for us.
If you guys are having a hard time finding a group then let me know and I'll do what I can to get you guys situated.