Good or not? Need feedback. PM Though please
Printable View Good or not? Need feedback. PM Though please
Key there bro is consistency I know you want a PM but as long as you keep at it I'm sure they'll keep coming. Believe me noone wants to game alone
No I mean I want feedback from you guess through PM.
There's no need for pm's on this subject. I'd say that says it all nice work on the recruiting a lot of people are to timid to join clans like I was at first. So you'll get a lot of no thanks or not right now but that's fine jus keep sending this msg out your bond to find some that wants to join a clan.
Battlefield brigade
- CAG pisspawz
- Brigade commander
Oh okay thanks. I'll keep sending mass messages
Remember keep it simple in game chat. It was good playing with you and fugitive tonite. Nice recruiting in game chat.
XBOX 360 Division Commander
Major General
Bro. I may get 1 out of 20 people. I look at that as a win cause 1 person can make a difference!
I'll try a little of both. Game chat and messages.
Yep...this is good fella. Keep it up. And the guys are right...your success rate won't be awesome...but law of averages dictates that you keep sharing the love and someone will bite.
Lieutenant Colonel - CAG Archangel
- European Battalion Commander
- Battlefield Brigade - Co Leader
Mass message is the way that i currently recruit,I have always done it this way.
It doesn't have a big success rate but the ppl that actually take the time to reply in a respectful manner 9 times out of 10 are the ones that are the keepers.
When I send mass messages of recruitment im happy if i get even 1 decent recruit out of 2-3 hundred messages.
Here's a quick word of motivation for u guys,
Just before the release of x1 everyone was still hitting bf4 on the 360,I had spent a full week of hitting servers playing a game and leaving after it was done then sending messages of recruitment to the recent players.all my game time for a week was spent doing this.
Got to a point where I though noone was gonna reply and it wasn't gonna work then outta the blue I got a reply of interest from none other than Archangel himself.
He was one person to reply respectfully with interest in everything that CAG claims itsself to be a group of ppl that enjoy their hobby of gaming while at the same time playing with structure and teamplay.he was 1 in around 400 ppl that I sent messages i sent that week and look where hes at now!so this is exactly what I mean by saying that even getting 1 person out of a multitude of ppl is by far a good thing!
Keep up the work as it does pay off in time!
Whiskey Co. Battlefield Brigade
Co Leader