Im gonna be all day on anyone dow. For final stand on xbox one?:) send invites
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Im gonna be all day on anyone dow. For final stand on xbox one?:) send invites
Il prob be downloading it after dinner
shit i won't be home until 9:30pm est. won't get much time on this after the download.
Fuck I wish I wasn't working.
Thanks for letting me know about this coming out today, I completely forgot about it. I am at work, sick as a dog, but I will try to get it downloaded and get some games in with you guys tonight after work
Sweet just send me an invite when your on pawns bear n i had a crazy game on rush were we blow the roof on one map and we did a roof insertion hilarious to our eyes
Oh beware there an update of 3 gigs has for the expantion that's 6 gigs n thats through the store in game saw there ages downloading
Thanks for the reminder ill pop home and get this downloading. FarCry today too woot!
Sweet gonna start my download when I get home in like 20 mins