Re:Capture the Flag Squad
General Gdubs I am all in with you on this one. I will definitely play some CTF with you and who ever else is up to the challenge. Like you said, this game mode will definitely require some strict and disciplined attitude towards the Squad Leader.
So lets do this, think this out really good how it will be set up and lets rock and roll.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
Sounds good sir. I will be getting the class and killstreak setups up tomorrow for everyone to look over. The ideas have already been flowing haha
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
Good stuff Gdubs, I am looking forward to this big time now. Got me all excited! :P
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
I'm 100% in for sure! I love CTF! Note, you can't be too concerned with your stats as a runner if you're playing CTF... the game isn't about K/D. You can have good stats with good teamwork, but it shouldn't be your concern.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
No worries brando, when i said elite, i dont mean the members with the best stats. There are many different elements to being a good player than your stats. ESPECIALLY in an objective game, like you said. I'm looking for the members that excel the best at teamwork. Class and killstreak setups goin up in a few hours.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
can I say again... nicely done with your pic, iLL! ;)
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
CAG GdubyaB wrote:
No worries brando, when i said elite, i dont mean the members with the best stats. There are many different elements to being a good player than your stats. ESPECIALLY in an objective game, like you said. I'm looking for the members that excel the best at teamwork. Class and killstreak setups goin up in a few hours.
and yeah, I was actually telling others that "if you care about your stats and that's your priority, don't bother to join up for CTF". This is a teamwork based game... same with S&D.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
Alright here we go, here are my class setups (with explanations) and my killstreak setups that I would like my CTF Squad to be running.
The team will be comprised of 2 guards, 2 escorts, and 2 runners. The guards are going to be responsible for guarding our flag at all costs and keeping the enemy out of our side of the map. If the flag has been taken then the 2 guards are to stay home and await the flag to be returned. They should not chase after the flag unless they are within distance of hitting their target. This is to prevent the enemy team from getting behind us and setting up. The escorts are going to be very important. They are not only responsible for returning the flag if it is taken, but they are also responsible for leading the runner back with the enemy flag. These escorts are to set up midway through the map and await for the runners to breach to the enemy side. If the runners are not able to do the job themselves then one escort may join them to help secure the enemy flag. The other escort should then secure a safe path back to our flags location. The runners role is obvious, get to the flag and secure it at all costs.
K/D ratios are not going to be important. Some games you will do badly, some you will do well. All that matters is that we win. This is an objective game, if you are not up for that then please do not request to be in the squad.
----Class Setup for Guards----
Primary- Choice of assault rifle, must have suppressor, anything else is up to you. This is hardcore, suppressor barely does anything to change the damage.
Secondary- MUST be a launcher for enemy air support. Preferably a Strela3
Lethal- Your preference of grenade. NO tomahawks
Tactical- Concussion. The reason for this is two-fold. Quickest tactical grenade to deploy and also slows down those who are affected. If someone grabs the flag and you know where they are, throw a concussion grenade. It will slow them down to an almost standstill and make them easier to kill. I will take suggestions for this, but as of right now, i would prefer concussion grenades.
Equipment- I would prefer claymores. We only have 2 members to guard our flag site and we all know there are multiple paths on most maps. Claymores will be able to cover that. Also, i understand some of you are still going for weapons qualification badges. My apologies, but not in here. If you happen to have a game that qualifies then sure go ahead. But i do not want people not using explosives (claymores, grenades) and then we lose the game when we could have won.
Perk 1- Ghost. Ghost. Ghost. Guards are to be unseen and undetectable. Most people run Spy Plane in CTF. I would prefer ghost pro, but i know that many of you are still going through prestiges and do not have it acquired yet. Thats fine, obviously we would prefer that everyone have the pro perks, but its alright if you dont.
Perk 2- This is entirely up to you.
Perk 3- This is also up to you.
----Class Setup for Escorts----
Primary- I would prefer Assault Rifles. Something that you are quick with. Famas,AUG,Commando,etc. Suppressor.
Secondary- Your choice of pistol and attachment
Lethal- Your choice of grenade. NO tomahawks
Tactical- Concussion
Equipment- Prefer claymores, you are not only trying to keep the enemy back, but you are also responsible for setting up a safe route back for the runners.
Perk 1- I would prefer Flak Jacket. My reasoning for this is because you are an escort. You take the damage so that the runner can capture the flag.
Perk 2- Up to you
Perk 3- Up to you
----Class Setup for Runners----
Primary- Choice of silenced submachine gun. You need to be able to move quickly and submachine guns have the highest mobility. Silenced because you need to be stealthy. This is hardcore, you cannot just run right in. You need to be stealthy. Can't stress it again. This is not a gung-ho run and gun role. Yes youre running. And gunning. But this is not core. You can't do the traditional run and gun. This is a whole different thing. I will go over this more when i get the strategies down.
Secondary- Choice of pistol and attachment
Lethal- Choice of grenade. NO tomahawks.
Tactical- I would prefer concussion, flash, or smoke. I already went over the usefulness of concussions. Flash could be useful if you get a good hit on the enemy. If its just a small one then they wont be completely flashed and will be able to get you. Smoke.. eh could be useful but you better make sure you dart and dodge when you go for that flag or they are just going to fire in the smoke and tag you.
Equipment- I would prefer either Tactical Insertion or C4. TI so that you can remain close to the flag. Set it up midway through the map and things will be much easier. C4 if youd rather make sure you get some of their guards out of their flags area.
Perk 1- GHOST. You need to be undetectable. As i said earlier, spy planes are used a lot in CTF, especially HC CTF. Its gonna be damn difficult for you to sneak up on someone when they can see where you are.
Perk 2- Your choice. Would prefer Slight of Hand so that you can reload quicker, but thats up to you.
Perk 3- MARATHON. You gotta be fast. You gotta get there quick.
I'll share with you guys what my exact class setups are for the three roles.
Guard- Commando (suppressor, ACOG), Strela, Semtex, Concussion, Claymore, Ghost Pro, Warlord Pro, Hacker Pro
Escort- Famas (suppressor), CZ75 (Suppressor), Semtex, Concussion, Claymore, Flak Jacket Pro, Sleigh of Hand Pro, Ninja Pro
Runner- Mac11 (suppressor), Python (SnubNose), Semtex, Concussion, C4, Ghost Pro, Sleight of Hand Pro, Marathon Pro (i would love for the runners to acquire marathon pro and i'm working on mine right now
----Killstreak Setup----
Spy Plane (required)
Choice of Counter-Spy Plane, SAM Turret, Care Package, Sentry Gun, Napalm Strike, Mortar Team
Choice of Attack Helicopter, Blackbird, Rolling Thunder, Chopper Gunner, Dogs, Gunship
Make sure that your killstreak setup is attainable for what you can do and what your role is. For example, runners are probably not going to be hitting 11 killstreaks. Its possible, but how many times do you think thats going to happen? You're going after the flag at all costs. You're gonna die. Guards are going to be camping in the back, much easier to attain a higher killstreak. I will share one strategy right now with you guys concerning killstreaks. This is hardcore, so every time to die you have to wait a varied amount of time before you respawn. Say one of our guards or escorts is has a...rolling thunder or other high killstreak waiting. Wait till the entire enemy team is spawned. Call in the killstreak. Make sure a good amount of the team is dead and have the runner grab the flag. THe other team is still trying to spawn and we have the flag.. while the other runner gets in position, waits for the first runner to capture the flag, and then the second runner grabs the flag when it reappears. 2 quick captures in a matter of under a minute. For example. Last night i was playing CTF on jungle. I was guarding, got a rolling thunder, knocked out 5 of 6 members on the other team, runners on my team capped the flag. Win. Thats how i want us to do it.
Well thats about all for now. I'm still working on strategies and such so i'll be posting some of that in the upcoming days. Till then, please read this post over and leave your comments.
-General GdubyaB
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
Very good post for the classes and set up overall. I am all in on this. CTF can be very fun to play when everyone is doing their assigned job. It will required tons of discipline, so like Gdubs said, only members who are going to follow rules need apply.