X360 Competitive Change of Leadership
Okay guys so theirs being a slight change in our competitive team.
Practice will now be taking place on weekdays rather than weekdays as I've noticed that there's more on XBL through the week.
BEAR has stepped down as he can not play through the week as he needs to work on his skill set, so he has done this for the better of all of us. So BEAR and PAWZ have decided to make me Captain and I'll be working with RZA to get the wheels in motion.
I need everyone who is interested in joining to comment below stating
. Days you can commit to playing
. Your timezone
. And the time you can play
Once you have all replied I will be creating a roster for our team.
I'll be doing scrim practices as I feel that's the best way to practice, I'll possibly setting one up next week
This is serious business and I won't tolerate people that decide to join COMP and don't show for scrims, as this will be very embarrassing for the whole of CAG.
So yes I'm looking forward to this opportunity and hope to see you on that roster.
Whiskey company XO
1st Lieutenant