Re: the BF4 Launch Problems
Good share! Enjoyed seeing what went down.
Re: the BF4 Launch Problems
No1 to blame but 1 you all know whom
Re: the BF4 Launch Problems
Greed + fans = FPS blockbuster of a brokengame.
Sent from a place with free wifi.
Re: the BF4 Launch Problems
I forget who said it, but we all paid for a game that is still in the beta stages. Makes me wonder if I should ever buy a game from EA at launch.
Re: the BF4 Launch Problems
might have been me bear. not sure. i know i do say that from time to time.
Re: the BF4 Launch Problems
It probably was you Blame. Sometimes I get so frustrated with the game, I think about going back to bf3
Re: the BF4 Launch Problems
Originally Posted by
It probably was you Blame. Sometimes I get so frustrated with the game, I think about going back to bf3
wish i could, don't have my 360 anymore. i imagine player controlled servers would be nothing but madmins and badmins at this point however and they are probably team stacking.
i've been playing ESO and War Thunder on my PC to help fill my days so it's not just all BF4 all the time. hopefully in the next few months it will be a more polished turd.
Re: the BF4 Launch Problems
They only reason why I can understand why EA would release early is because we all know Ghosts comes nowhere close to BF4.. its not even funny, I know they wanted the sales in which turned to big $$$ but even if they released it a little later to fix the bugs, they still would have more sales
Re: the BF4 Launch Problems
Originally Posted by
They only reason why I can understand why EA would release early is because we all know Ghosts comes nowhere close to BF4.. its not even funny, I know they wanted the sales in which turned to big $$$ but even if they released it a little later to fix the bugs, they still would have more sales
beats the piss out of me man, probably to boost EA's first quarter sales as a whole. i feel that every game that was available at launch had issues, from small to large. Forza was lacking in spots, most noticeably the fans on the sides of the tracks. stop and look at them sometime and you'll probably be as disappointed as i was. my first reaction was "this is next gen?". NBA had issues as well, they didn't even have Online Leagues. lame as fuck, 3/4 the reason why i buy that game each year. nothing was, in my opinion, polished and finished including the console. i feel like MS was just playing a game of keep up with the competition once Sony announced the PS4 launch but they've had problems too.