Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Good start my friend. Keep that shit up.
We got good people here in Whiskey on the 360...we'll all help you out as much as we can.
sent from the edge of your perception
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
from the dark waterz
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Good start Isheridan92. We'll get your marksman done in no time.
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Good start bud! Keep it up and you will be done with marksman in no time!
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
from the dark waterz
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Re: Isheridan92 Bf4 Marksman
Nice job bro, keep up the good work
Sent from Dr Evils hideout while using tapatalk