I can't sleep anymore. I always end up passing out by 6 am and my friend keeps saying he takes melatonin and it helps him sleep very well. It's 3 am and i doubt i'll be sleeping anytime soon. soooooo im debating on taking melatonin to help it fml. IDK WHAT TO DO FML @.@ sigh.
Re: Sleep
just bcus it helps someone else doesnot mean it will help you go to the doctors and explain your issue im pretty sure they can recommend something.. but if you still want to take what ever u said u was going to take get a medical consultant to see if its something u should be taking
Re: Sleep
well i mean it is otc and it doesnt necessarily help you sleep. but it also helps you have better dreams too. and i just want to try it but thats about it. @.@ i guess ill let you guys know how it goes i guess? im guessing you wouldnt recommend it right?
Re: Sleep
different things work for different people, best thing i can tell you there.
don't drink anything with caffeine after 5-6 pm. that was my biggest problem.
Re: Sleep
yeah thats why imma try one then gradually increase the dosage gahh sorry i sound so ignorant
okay ill try that first thanks :D
Re: Sleep
I have a hard time going to sleep myself and I usually end up falling asleep when I put on a movie ...
I hate taking meds, I wont take them ever...they can cause more harm that anything especially if you don't drink enough water. Hopefully you find something that puts you to sleep my man, maybe try listening to music or do pushups before you think you should be going to sleep to tire you up a bit..that used to work for me too.
Re: Sleep
there is this tea called sleepy time tea, it has camomile which is a natural sleep aid, you can try that. some people swear by it.
the movie thing works for me too, i put something on i've seen a million times and just close my eyes and listen. if i don't pass out mid move then i'm not going to.
Re: Sleep
LOL ive been doing the movie thing i just end up dying off by 5 am
yeah thanks guys it helps a lot that you guys are giving tips idk at the moment nothings helping herpderp
Re: Sleep
you can always ask you doctor if he/she can prescribe you something but those usually make me feel super drowsy the next day, but again everyone reacts differently to each medication.
Re: Sleep
i think we sell that in Whole Foods blame xD
oh yeah tbh the movie thing ill watch at least two and if i do i pass out by 5