Re: Combat Action Ribbon Thread For Emperor XIX
Re: Combat Action Ribbon Thread For Emperor XIX
Well, I'm not sure what to say Emporer. I'm impressed but not surprised. I'm not someone who can approve awards, but since I was part of the 11 win streak I was looking to confirm.
Unfortunately, I don't believe either streak qualifies for this ribbon. Though it is not clearly stated on the ribbon, it is widely understood that medals/ribbons of this type require another CAG member in the games. This would disqualify the 13 win streak (no CAGs present for any). As for the 11 win streak, the Combat Action Ribbon requirements state that "the recipient must also have had a postive k/d ratio in all 10 games" and in your 10th of the 11 games you went 21 and 29 ( It's moot to mention this but the 11th game did not have CAG in it.
On a side note, how did you mange to get a M142 vehicle kill on Operation Locker ( Could that be how they record turret kills?
Re: Combat Action Ribbon Thread For Emperor XIX
Yet, I forgot to also mention that ....... I want us to do another organized "go for the combat action ribbon" with some of the guys that don't have it yet, and those of us who do already have it can play a focused support role and help people get their positive k/d or push for the win.
Re: Combat Action Ribbon Thread For Emperor XIX
Originally Posted by
Yet, I forgot to also mention that ....... I want us to do another organized "go for the combat action ribbon" with some of the guys that don't have it yet, and those of us who do already have it can play a focused support role and help people get their positive k/d or push for the win.
I am in on this, I feel bad Celtic didn't get this. As a team we should have been more focused on support for people to get it. I feel if we dedicate another night to it that will show our commitment to playing a team orientated game at all times!
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Re: Combat Action Ribbon Thread For Emperor XIX
Well let's do this guys same time and day Saturday??? I'll help out this too
Sent from underneath a boulder
Re: Combat Action Ribbon Thread For Emperor XIX
Originally Posted by
Well, I'm not sure what to say Emporer. I'm impressed but not surprised. I'm not someone who can approve awards, but since I was part of the 11 win streak I was looking to confirm.
Unfortunately, I don't believe either streak qualifies for this ribbon. Though it is not clearly stated on the ribbon, it is widely understood that medals/ribbons of this type require another CAG member in the games. This would disqualify the 13 win streak (no CAGs present for any). As for the 11 win streak, the Combat Action Ribbon requirements state that "the recipient must also have had a postive k/d ratio in all 10 games" and in your 10th of the 11 games you went 21 and 29 ( It's moot to mention this but the 11th game did not have CAG in it.
On a side note, how did you mange to get a M142 vehicle kill on Operation Locker ( Could that be how they record turret kills?
Sir yes sir awards need to be done with other full members every award needs to be confirmed by full members and and a link is need for every award with the exception of recruits marksman..
Sent from underneath a boulder
Re: Combat Action Ribbon Thread For Emperor XIX
Damn, I didn't see that 21 and 29 in there.. of course it happened on the 10th game, haha. Actually, now I think about it I think that was the game where I kept saying "WTF I NEVER GO NEGATIVE". I was making a concerted effort to go positive that game and somehow failed miserably, haha.
As for the Squad TDM wins, that makes sense. Not sure how I ended up in Squad TDM without other CAG members though, with 3 other teams you only win 25% of the time in a fair fight, and I care too much about my win percentage for those odds, haha. Must've stuck with them because they weren't holding me down though.
Ah well, I'm sure I'll get it eventually. As for this weekend, that probably won't work for me unless it's Friday, but of course if you guys are going along with it I'm sure I'll be able to join in for a few games.
Re: Combat Action Ribbon Thread For Emperor XIX
As for the vehicle kill, I'm not too sure what would've caused that. If the L8 was my rifle for the game, that would mean I had to have been assault, so it wasn't any sort of equipment. I never get on the turrets. I must've blown up someone's mortar or something and killed someone with that.
Re: Combat Action Ribbon Thread For Emperor XIX
Well Saturday is game night you can join and get it then
Sent from the Saint