Halo 4
Who all is planning on picking up Halo 4 when it is released? I was skeptical when I heard it was being worked on, but after the trailer and gameplay trailers were released I totally changed my mind. I think 343 Industries was able to do the impossible, make significant changes to Halo Reach. It looks crisp, clean, and refreshing. I am highly anticipating this release. What are your thought about the game?
I have every Halo game except for Reach and I love playing the campaign with my Son Stewie. When he was small, Halo games are what got him into playing shooters.
We would play for hours on co-op and finished every Halo except for Reach which he didn't like or want. Online it was a different story but it is still fun to play co-op online as well.
Halo 4 actually has my attention and I am looking forward to the campaign the most again.
I am really looking forward to the campaign also, same with Medal of Honor. I know I didn't throw Black Ops 2's name into that mix, but I am not big into the COD campaigns, just the multiplayer. I know people will hate on me for that, but it is how i feel!
I have not completed one single COD campaign or played it for that matter. I hate what they have done with campaigns over the years. I honestly believe that the COD series killed the throwback style campaigns that we were used to playing that actually had replay value on the regular xbox and playstation systems.
The old throwback, vintage campaigns in older games were just more fun to play. You actually had so many ways to finish or play through a campaign instead of the very "linear" way to play them now.
What really turns me off about the COD series campaigns is that if you stand in one spot the enemy literally never stops coming. You can stand there for a year and they still come. The other thing that drives me nuts is how there is a "trail" you follow the entire time....everything else blocked off including doors/alleyways/etc. Boo dude, boooooo!
That is what I am talking about when I say linear, all these games boast about how non-linear their story lines are when in reality you can only complete the story line one way. There is no reason for any alleys, doorways rooftops anything like that to be blocked off in a story, that is what makes it non-linear.
These game developers and publishers are just too damn lazy to put in the work to make these games true non-linear which seriously pisses me off.
If they added an open world environment in cod, battlefield, moh and other 1st and 3rd person shooters like they do in games like Grand Theft Auto and Saints Row , the replay value of these games and the story lines would be so much more interesting and fun to play.
Right now, you can finish a damn game in the cod series in 4-6 hours after purchasing the game and you never really play the storyline again unless you have absolutely no life.
100% will be getting Halo 4 the night it comes out. Got it preordered at gamestop but I might change that to bestbuy cause there giving away a dope armor skin, besides that can't wait, halo 2 was what got me involved with xbox live, halo 3 was great as wwll, reach blew couldnt stand it so hopefully its nothing like reach but from everything i have seen about this game its completely different. So yea cant wait for it Halo has always brought out the most proficient gaming in me
Well you can count on me to be playing as soon as I pick it up at the midnight release!! I always go with Best Buy, very reliable company and they do always seem to host the releases very well!
Halo Queers! ...muahahhahha