Well most of everything
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Well most of everything
Yeah i think we need to have guys sign up on forums and pick teams beforehand. Or set teams. Either way next time we'll be way more organized. If we can get this going weekly then guys will know to sign up. As far as guys joining in after it makes things very unpredictable and unfair. It was great to have 8 on 8 but we need guys to sign up and not jump out halfway through so we are not all getting those annoying little game pop ups
Fire team vs fire team. Let's put em to use.
The only thing with that is what if one guy out of the fireteam cant make it then we are back to pegging guys in anyway. Probably be better off with a week to week sign up and come up with a system for captains and picking teams on forum. Imo.
Edit: fireteam leaders as captains?
You also have to consider of making fair teams as well. You do not want 4 of the top slayers on one team.
I see problems with the fire team idea:
I do not know how pre set fire teams would keep it fair.
Not every member in a fire team will attend. So therefore they will be mixed up anyway.
What did you have in mind on the process of using fire teams
HG you are in my brain get out!!!!! Lol
Weekly sign up sounds good. We just have to stress the importance of it. Also have to stress the importance of if you can't show or if you will be late to message somebody that will be there or message it on the forums.
A lot of people were good with that last night about work and what not.
Other than what the other guys have mentioned, there are a couple other things.
Currently, fireteams are based on the people that are not only active online most of the time, but the ones that are mostly active on the forums are placed into higher fireteams (as in Alpha Squad and part of Bravo) So there is a little bit to think about.
Then, there is ever important, what about the people not on a fireteam. For example, last night: CAG Sgt Bear, MoB Corleone, myself, CAG Nesty, HG, and Gemini (Sorry if I forgot someone)
Technically thats 6. And I am not trying to pick but under no circumstances are you and HG allowed on the same team. ;)
K i have something cooking in my brain let me know if it smells good.
Weekly scrims we do weekly signups and pick teams.
Once a month we have a tournament, here it will be fireteam on fireteam. This will give us a chance to drum it up on the forums and get everyone the info as in when it will be and the format etc. This will allow us to find a date that works for everyone and get guys like 8 ball Emperor Dripz Mykmansun etc the info they need with site pms and xbl pms.