marksman and time-in complete (if i'm not in the clan let me know):
Old: callbeast
NEW: CAG Death-no-thx
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marksman and time-in complete (if i'm not in the clan let me know):
Old: callbeast
NEW: CAG Death-no-thx
Make sure to update your gamertag in your profile. That is the only way cheech will approve it
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That's all you need to do man,just wait on Cheech updating this and it should replicate on the forums also.
Just a side note for Randy or Cheech callbeasts name on forums is white and need changed to recruit status until his process goes through as member.
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Until Cheech makes the change,Cheech is the only one that can do this on the back end of the site.
Side note,I also believe that he will not change a name to include CAG until the recruit has passed recruitment and been processed i.e. Received their dog ribbon.
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When it comes to awards Cheech and Randuken are the only current administrators that deal with this area.
I think Randuken stated previously that he deals with award recommendations on the weekend.
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