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So for the lazy people's...ive made us a message board through the messages on PS4. Bravo's Bulletin Board. Try and keep the idle chat to minimum, questions and concerns are OK. But it will be used for events, and luring you all back to the clan forums. Please only put out links regarding the forums, with some small details to help direct.
The current event is marked for a week from today, 9/12. But this is just the 1st trial. I'd like to see other activities we can plan. We can set up weekend Civil Wars, Singles badges, team badges, gun games, melee tag and even recruit days.
Although no requirement to join the events and such, it's obviously strongly recommended. This is a great fun opportunity for us to build our teamwork skills back up. Also take this chance and make sure you've added everyone in the B. B. B, SO you have every active member friended.
Just wondering if any of you guys\gals have or are going to try to get a Nuked Out. Its a all gun kill on Free for All 30 kills.
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Yeah for sure, was on a 22 and choked. After that kinda gave up
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So for those that favor music, while gaming. We have Spotify on the ps4. Been there for awhile. Very easy and quick to use. I don't ever hear maybe a bug honestly, after the trials. But you can play it while gaming, while chatting. And now... You don't even have to interrupt your connection in a game to get to has a pretty decent volume control. Loud as a mofo to quiet enough to hear people, but still lose out on footsteps. But gun firing is still fairly easy.
For those of ya'll in school (here's looking at you Vxgilant!) or those who have access to an old college email you can sign up for discounted Spotify Premium for $5.48 a month (tax included) Only requirement is to have an email ending in .edu Cheapest streaming sub I've found. Plus it's a double bonus because the music from the app can be played over whatever game you're playing
Spotify Student Discount
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So what will be the best times for people for the group events? Id like to figure out what are some working times for people.
So far I think Mondays would be a good day to focus on doing singles badges and such. Which would be like the Bravo Bash, then the Odd Badge out.
Tuesdays could be the back up day if needed.
Then we could use Wednesday/thurs for the Rescue a recruit, and cooperation dominations.
Then begin the weekend with Friday night melee, and civil war games weekend. We have a few ways already to play them, but we could always use suggestions.
We'll mix the days up after a bit, so things can be a little different and keep things fun. This will help us become a better core leading into IW and BF1.
Also put suggested times or methods of when you'd like some daily spam in the Bravo Bulletin Board. I know I've done it at various times in my day, which maybe too early or late for others. I'd like to keep it updated atleast twice a day, once with the daily new, and then the daily late. So most news Goin on the forums can be noticed by everyone. I'd really like for everyone to get more responsive to mentioned threads too.
It's times like these when you gotta thank Parch.
I am good pretty much everday of the week. My main time is 730pm pst is when I am on most of the time. The weekends are kinda hit and miss. Just depends on what the family is doing. But weekend evenings after 8pm pst work good for me.
Was checking Found this, apparently he was on live fb or something.
Monday's are good for me and Tuesday's as well [emoji108]
Ps4 Junkie [emoji452]
This trailer has me pumped for the campaign...
Zombies Spaceland what lol
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Haha Can't wait [emoji1431]
Ps4 Junkie [emoji452]
Mondays and Tuesday are probably the only days atm i can play in the day time with you guys.. 😞
And Wed. Thru Sun. Only in the night.
Doubt my schedule will change any time soon so work pretty much covers my day 😓
Till next semester starts kinda missed out on this one 😅
Wow, thanks for the heads up Batman...jeeze.
From the 25th of this month (Sunday for me) I won't be on for about 3 weeks. Headed to a different state (Victoria) to see my poppy. He's 90 this year. I'm not bringing my ps4 with me, so if I'm online it's my boyfriend watching Netflix =P. I'll still message people etc and try to be active on the forums. Just figured I would let you guys know so I'm not flooded with invites and so you don't think I'm ignoring you.
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Dropped two motherships in one domination game. Gotta love the Bravo Brawlers [emoji1362][emoji817][emoji1433]
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Incase you've somehow missed the event notice on the bulletin board. BF4 has all Dlc free, part of promo before BF1.
My internet has shat the bed. We have a 2mb connection, I can't play online even if I wanted to =/
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Super excited for COD4 Remastered...Oh the glory days
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I played it at a friend's house and I was all into the story mode. Then we played online and I remember going 2-34 lmao I was a noob but next day I bought a TV ps3 and the game.
Man good times indeed can't wait to play the campaign again hell even the multiplayer solid gun on gun no jetpack bullshit
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Trying to sleep. Found this though, and don't wanna look for the IW thread...
Yo!!! Been taking a break from multiplayer (as most of you had noticed) and I've been trying to beat these easter eggs for zombies. Anyone down to give em a shot with me?
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Question!!!! We ever gonna do any clan wars against other clans? Used to be big on competitive and I'm starting to kinda miss it lol
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