Venom is a Canadian Whore
add him before me only if you want an STD
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Venom is a Canadian Whore
add him before me only if you want an STD
Took me like a week to find my admission in my junk mail but I found it :D
No idea what i'm supposed to say exactly but thank you for the recruitment
I'm on xbox waiting for some intens laidback teamplaying. If your up for it
my gamertag is Message 86.
Ooh and ofcourse WHAT UP CAG!!!!!
Play with me, GT: VENOM OF SINS
IRON is just jealous I get laid more. His attempt to steal my p00n is to claim I have an STD.
Roll with me and you'll get laid just as much as me.
Canadians are notorious for disregarding safe and decent sexual practices.
as a Public Servant I strongly urge you not to add any Canadian to your friends list as STDs are like Glitter.. they are hard to get rid of..
Stay with the safer choice..
Go Rock Solid
Go with IRON
Welcome to the Family Soldier.
Yup I'm back, after playing mw3 for a week I couldn't take the idiocry of random players who don't know how to play objective modes... mw3 is a good game i love it, i got battlefield but havent played it ... so I never got the official word a few months back but I'm interested in coming back so yea I play at weeknight(s) 10pm-3-4am, and weekends could vary but most of you know who iam
Add me if you would like
Ya but yo don't have to buy Iron dinner he gves it up much easier than any one I know
Welcome I'am usually on battlefield add me I got to play with someone with a mike