Welcome I eill be adding you I usuually play inthe am @815 and again again at 230 Central time
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Welcome I eill be adding you I usuually play inthe am @815 and again again at 230 Central time
welcome mate :) GT is silva228- look forward to playing with you soon!
I'm usually on in the afternoons from around 3pm PSTQuote:
Originally Posted by "CAG Stormy SGT ELIAS" post=8278
You GT appears to be invalid, at least according to the xbox.com website where I performed a copy/paste job.
EDIT: Nevermind. What a stupid website. I added you.
A copy and paste will add a white space, you have to either delete it from the beginning or the end of the paste.
Hey guys. I recently submitted an application to the Platoon. I can hold my own in Battlefield, plus I work extremely well with a team. My top class is Support, but can play any other if needed.
Hey welcome, I'm sure you will have a good time. We have some pretty active forums and this place has some characters for sure.
Hello iiSTREAKS,
Thank You for your interest and Welcome to CAGCLAN.com Streaks. As you can probably tell, we have very active forums.
Since you mentioned you already requested to join the Platoon I assume you heard about us over at the Battlelog forums. I will check today and add you if you have not been added.
Make sure you fill out all your Service Record and both profiles. Once you have done that, get in touch with IRONVALOR, silva228 or Ketsuri199, they are our recruiters and in charge of BF3.
Since you are in California, you will probably spend more time with IRONVALOR or Stormy. If you have any questions feel free to ask, don't be shy.
Welcome to the clan. Glad to hear you play support! I'm in love...
Dang Cheech even I got rejected for the platoon!Quote:
Originally Posted by "CAG CheechDogg" post=8342