Yeah...I always enjoy your videos. Bring on the next one! ;-)
sent from the edge of your perception
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Yeah...I always enjoy your videos. Bring on the next one! ;-)
sent from the edge of your perception
Been working on the next one (Scar Heavy) for the past few hours, hopefully I'll get 'er finished tonight. This one's a bit more complicated and faster paced than the past ones.
Also, sorry I haven't been able to kick butt with a Angel. I haven't been able to get on until the crack of dawn where you are.
No worries my man...that's the only thing that annoys me about CAG...I can't play with you guys more lol.
Think us euro guys will just have to move to the states :-)
sent from the edge of your perception
I'm up for that.just the ability to bear arms would be nice lol and of course the masses of food:-)
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Uploaded this earlier and COMPLETELY forgot to put it up here. My bad...
It's amazing what I've learned from each individual video; noticing what I could've done better, different sequencing, etc.
You're getting better at this dude...those transitions and contextual content with the music...good shit fella!
sent from the edge of your perception
Thanks man! Right now I'm kinda limited as to what I can do recording wise, simply because I can't really go into a "free camera" mode on the Xbox. One day I'll get BF4 for my PC so I can use that option to my advantage. I also need to get an HDMI cable-compatible headset so that I can record in 1080p instead of 720p.
Nice video and good playing with you Rider! Who's Matt?