Award Request for Lethal Blade! [Sharpshooter Badge]
Sender Information
Userid: 4488
User Name: Lethal Blade
Request Information:
Award ID: 19
Name: Sharpshooter Badge
Description: This is the 2nd of the Weapon Badges a Clan member can earn. Each Division has their own way of earning it.
The Sharpshooter Badge is the 2nd level and will be more of a challenge to earn. Hardcore Team Deathmatch will also be used to qualify for this Badge and the following requirements need to be completed 5 times:
1. Choice of weapon and loadout
2. Must have 15 kills and no more than 5 deaths
3. No killstreak rewards allowed
4. No team kills are allowed or explosives
5. Must be paired off with a Fireteam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met
Point Value = 50
Recipient username : Lethal Blade
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
completed and confirmed with Lethal Hobbs
Award Request for gunnar13m! [CAG U.S. Air Force]
Sender Information
Userid: 3749
User Name: gunnar13m
Request Information:
Award ID: 30
Name: CAG U.S. Air Force
Description: Medal given to real U.S. Air Force members of the Clan
Point Value = 1000
Recipient username : gunnar13m
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
I have been part of the airforce going on my first year in the military as of august 24th.
Award Request for iixSyKoTic! [Grenadier]
Sender Information
Userid: 4465
User Name: iixSyKoTic
Request Information:
Award ID: 74
Name: Grenadier
Description: To obtain the Grenadier Medal you will need to get 5 grenade kills in one game 10 times
Point Value = 500
Recipient username : iixSyKoTic
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
Posted all 5 just need them to get confirmed but there all done
Award Request for iixSyKoTic! [CAG White Boy Assaultman]
Sender Information
Userid: 4465
User Name: iixSyKoTic
Request Information:
Award ID: 82
Name: CAG White Boy Assaultman
Description: This badge is for all the white boys out there who are kick ass Assaultlman!
Point Value = 25
Recipient username : iixSyKoTic
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
im white
Award Request for Statless! [CAG White Boy Assaultman]
Sender Information
Userid: 4617
User Name: Statless
Request Information:
Award ID: 82
Name: CAG White Boy Assaultman
Description: This badge is for all the white boys out there who are kick ass Assaultlman!
Point Value = 25
Recipient username : Statless
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
I'm white
Award Request for Lethal Blade! [0351: Assaultman]
Sender Information
Userid: 4488
User Name: Lethal Blade
Request Information:
Award ID: 42
Name: 0351: Assaultman
Description: Billet given to members who earn their Sharpshooter Badge
Point Value = 50
Recipient username : Lethal Blade
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
I have my Sharpshooter Badge
Award Request for Kujeaux! [Dogg ribbon]
Sender Information
Userid: 4583
User Name: Kujeaux
Request Information:
Award ID: 11
Name: Dogg ribbon
Description: The Dogg ribbon is awarded to all official members of the CAG. The colors of this ribbon are the official colors of CAG and a darker brown " D " is centered to distinguish it from all other ribbons. Receiving this ribbon is the 1st step towards becoming one of the " Best of the Best" ; the CAG Expert Assaultman.
Point Value = 5
Recipient username : Kujeaux
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
Completed Battlefield Marksman: 450 Team Deathmatch kills with Members present.