Standing by for my Name Change. Profile has been updated and I posted it as well
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Standing by for my Name Change. Profile has been updated and I posted it as well
no worries Cheech, THANKS!!!
Old U/n- Thetwonn
New- CAG Twonn
This is what I would like to change my name to
Mechroborn back to Arventis to go with my PSN, seeing as that's what I'm going to get. Making a post about this in a few.
Old username - CAG RAZ
New username - CAG_RAZ
Old Username: Grasslandshield
New Username:GrasslandShield
Just want to capitalize the S in shield.... That's what my GT is and what it always is (bugs me a bit). Capital G capital S
Thanks in advance!
Old: QuickBunny7823
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