Dude I get them eyes all the time,I usually just pretend I didn't see it lol
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Ill be online on my xbox playing Mw3 and Blops for thr next hour or two. Join me if youre intetested. Xbl GT: RemissBiscuitPL
Hello, I'm new and I believe I need a sponsor please. I'm on the ps3 and I'll be free till Saturday.
Lazarus_M bro this is a thread for new recruits of Alpha Company to be able to get into touch with full members. but no worries i can easily see the confusion from the thread title, and i will make sure that some members who are in our PS3 group get into touch with ASAP brother.
O oops. Yeah this place is a little big for a new comer. I do know that I'm on bravo but Idk how big or what all actual forums falls under bravo. Thank you got the help.