Just an update Parch has removed CAG from his GamerTag .
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Had a lot of time for Parch,always have and always will.Miss gaming with the dude!
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For the record I was just bringing up the fact that he still had (CAG) for a clan tag. And, it wasn't about him still having CAG in his Xbox name. I wasn't talking shit, just pointing out that if your out of the clan why are you still using it as a tag. I know if someone outside of the clan was using it and I was playing and saw it I would ask them to join or take it off. Maybe I'm wrong I don't know. I have nothing against anybody present or past in this clan. But, I will always stick up for it.
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Completely get where you are coming from Riddled,I have done the same many many times with asking people to remove the tag out of respect for the clan itself but in the end that's all we can really do is "ask".
It's up to those to choose to put it into place and actually remove it
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You did good Rids ... no one that has left the clan should still be using the clan tag ... I mean they left so why "SPORT" it right ? Those who still have it either have it in their actual gamertag for one of two reasons ... they haven't changed it because they don't want to pay to change their gamertag without the clan tag or two they just don't care lol ...
https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...18c4559581.png Same picture that Riddled put up,just with the message comments added.Think the picture in regards of respect towards Riddled says a lot or possibly could have been pissed at the comment that Riddled wrote.
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I knew he responded because I got a notification but I could only see the first half of the sentence because he deleted me from friends list and probly blocked me. I stand by what I said weather I'm relevant or not. I am a bitch but Im no snowflake. Sticks and stones. Lol
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Your part of CAG and that makes you relevant in terms of the clan Riddled.To say someone is irrelevant and general immature name calling in my opinion is disrespectful of the person in which they are talking to but that's just my opinion and may differ from others.People do say things when things get heated but for me it's much easier to walk away from any type of discussion especially when you find your not gonna get anywhere.
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