They are great in concert
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Just letting you all know I'm still fighting.At home now but no where near better yet.start new meds today to help with the thoughts iv been having as well as waiting for an Adult assessment for Autism
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I listen to it all
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This song sums up a lot of the way I have been feeling,still pushing forward 1 hr at a time and making the most of the good days which are outweighed by the bad days.Just trying to remain positive until my next psyc appointment
Luv you guys
JB out
What’s it mean when you type gay in as the station on Pandora and you know every song that plays word for word?
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Had a great day today,managed to get up at 7am which is usually a big "no no" due to my night time meds and the valium that I take.
Got the kids sorted with breakfast and took them to school.
Came back ate and watched a couple of movies (Thor Rangnarok and Alien Covenant).Showered while singing to a few of my favourite rock tunes to relax and that's me chilling before hitting the hay.
It might come across silly to those that read this but living with Generalised Anxiety Disorder and Health Anxiety it's the small triumphs each day that you gotta focus on,fingers crossed I have more days like today. To be relevant to the thread this was the last time I sang my heart out too(can't sing for shit but have noticed singing and music are a drug free medicine that I can use to chill). suits me perfect currently.
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That’s good shit man. I am truly glad to hear it. I had a job once where I had the time in the morning to get the kids ready for school and sit with them until the bus came every morning. Getting them up and ready and fed and all that shit was the highlight of my day. Too bad I lost that job, I can’t just let someone put their hands on me and not knock them the fuck out. And he did hit his head pretty hard so I don’t blame them. Sorry I get easily distracted, anyway I am glad to hear it and just keep taking it one day at a time and before you know it you will be counting good weeks instead of days. Then you will blink and realize you lost count and hopefully notice that you no longer care because the weeks turned into months and the months turned into watching your kids grow up and living life to its fullest.
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just throwing this out there,had my first psych evaluation since being out of hospital and it didn't go good. I ended up having to talk over the same shit that has been going through my head for months now.
Talking to the only psychiatric doctor that is governmentaly available and she seemed more interested in telling me what she thought my problems are instead of listening to the actually problems I have.
Today's been the hardest day since I been home.Close to those dark days that I had at the beginning that got me institutionalised.
I gotta go back in 3 weeks to see my personal Mental Health worker for a progress report.
Im waiting on an appointment coming up to start my Cognitive behavioural therapy.
And I'm awaiting a further CT scan of my left auxillia and a date for surgery.
Life's tough as hell at the min and I'm trying to keep my head above the water especially when so much on a daily basis is pulling me down including my own thoughts about life and the future.
Sorry I'm sporadic at the min,things are crazy,Still waiting on that house move also.
Just wish days where getting easier instead of tougher.
Anyways,Luv you guys.Hope y'all are still rocking shit with each other when your gaming!
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Fuck the Dr. My man... they are there for the money... life is and will never be easy ... i have rough days myself which is one reason why I don't play much online anymore... i try to get my mind of off all the bs by doing my lawn and working in my garage... don't succumb to bs my man ...
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My wife and I both graduated medical school and neither of us work in the field because of how fucked up it is. It’s called a practice for a reason. Everyone is different and has different triggers that effect everyone differently. You say the sky is blue! I say no it’s clear, your seeing the pollution being reflected by the light making it look blue. Find what works for you and try to find one thing every day to smile about. Some days will be very hard and some not so much. One day at a time and if you have to one hour at a time. I am here if you want to talk man!
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Very well said Tosya ... really sucks to see "friends" going through rough times and then there is nothing we can do but give moral support through posts in a forum and somehow this is the best form of moral support some can get and be comfortable with ... sometimes talking with people you don't know but you know they are genuinely your friends is the best thing in the world ...
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