Welcome to cagclan.com jazzy. You have already been playing with StewieShotU and hopefully I get to play with you soon.
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Welcome to cagclan.com jazzy. You have already been playing with StewieShotU and hopefully I get to play with you soon.
Welcome to CAG jazzy, hope to see you in the game soon. Until then check out how to rank up also dont forget to fill out your service record
Happy Camping,
CAG Nitro
Since your clans leader was so kind to come over and compliment us on our website and extend the hand of friendship, I decided I should return the favor.
I'm Nytraz, from the clan "The United Damned" and would like to extend a warm welcome to you all. My clan leader has yet to reply on the idea of an Alliance, but until a decision has been made on that, I see no reason why we can't game/scrim together. So if anyone wants to play some Black Ops or Reach, just hit me up and we'll get something going.
I work nights, so you're more likely to get me late morning to early afternoons (PST).
Gamertag is Nytraz
I might aswell put my intro here. I'm MrFliX from also The United Damned. I really hope for a good and fun way for our 2 community's to interact with each other. Anyway I play all kinds of games, going from sport to shooters. So I do play CoD but since I rock at it :blush: it gets boring for my quickly. I see some of you guys play madden out here, well I love playing madden :)! I play tdu2, f1, bfbc2, ... I even play World of Warcraft.
Anyway for those who are interested in trying to defeat me in CoD, you should add me:
PSN: solo_wing_pixi
Hopefully The United Damned will hear from all of you soon :)!
I'll also post on Nytraz his thread and just destroy the crap out of it :).
I'm Huckleberry also a member from tUD i'm currently the Xbox 360 Sub-Division Commander for tUD. If you guys want to arrange scrimms add me to your friendslist and we can discuss this further. We have a GB team at the moment for 4 vs 4 and setting up another one for 4 vs 4.
We train three days a week and we do battles in the same period. If you want to get on live together just sent the friendrequest to iHuckleberry.
P.S. Don't read MrFlix his post as its absolute fail and he sucks at Black Ops hes also Flemmish (nuff'said)
Glad to see you guys here!
Yes we can definitely scrimmage each other and maybe even practice against each other a couple times a week. I think that would help both of our Units quite a bit.
I do play tons of Madden myself, just a Madden junkie here. I also play NCAA Football and I might get Baseball as well from 2k sports.
Well glad to see you guys here and I will let my guys know to drop by your site as well.
Ugh I would love ncaa football, but I'm in europe and apperently it is a problem with PAL or something, so we can't play it in europe, even if I let it ship to me =/.
Oh that sucks man! What part of Europe are you from?
Hes from Belgium :)
Meaning hes awfull at almost everything he does :)
haha! like Belgium waffles eh?