This was from a sharpshooter match
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Hey guys im Juan nice to meet you all, anyone care for any games of BF1 or titanfall 2 , add my gt only juan kid and my psn RichHomiieJuan.
Hi All
My names harvey add me on PSN FAZE_HARVEY
im 32 years old based in the UK trial member in Alpha company . I mainly play IW everyday after 7pm uk time look forward to playing with you chaps online merry xmas .
What's up everybody. Names kyle, 25 years old. Been in the Ranger regiment for the past 5 years. Love football and gaming. Got a family so I don't quite get to do as much as I like but love doing it. Looking forward to being a part of all you have going on here.
Hello everyone. My name is XSTEALTHxK1LLA, you can always call me Stealth for short. Lately I've been deciding to join a clan but for CoD Remastered only since it was a game i loved to play on the 360 back in the days. I used to be in a clan called Leadheads, but i guess me and a few friends did not like how the clan went so we started to just game as friends. Anyway....Been looking for a clan that looks something like a Military Structure so this is the clan i came along to be close to it. Here I am, applied and waiting to meet and game with a few CoD: MW2 Remastered gamers. I live out of Southern Cali in LA County. My schedule is tight so i wont be on a lot through out the week, probably most of the time i'll be on is anytime after 6pm PST. Hope to see you guys soon. Thank You
Hello all,
New here! My name is Justin and I'm looking forward to playing with everyone!
osage_254 Looking forward to playing with the clan Infinite Warfare PS4, Mainly play hardcore any game mode.
Hey guys and gals my name is Robert ex-Canadian forces I was a vehicle technician, right now I'm a carpenter and have a 4 year old song and a soon to be wife hope to play with yellow soon on xbox360
Hi Fester mo new recruit. I am from Alberta Canada and am usually on nightly after 8pm mst.
I am on Xbox one gamer tag Fester mo. I play bf1 and rainbow 6 siege. Looking forward to
Playing with you all.
Hey guys I just wanted to introduce myself real quick my babe is Shawn aka RuMB1ESTILSKIN I play on Xbox and play cod so if anyone is looking to team up and kick some ass with me please fill free to hit me up and once again thanks for having me here in CAG
TG Nobleduckie checking in! Whats going on guys. Not sure if and/or where I'll be placed yet but I'm excited to get into some heated battles.
Hey everyone, Im Jaws Killed You. I just joined looking for people to play with. I play on xbox one and ps4 but mostly Xbox One. Im 13 from PA. I like mainly shooter games but also play other stuff like minecraft too. IM always looking for people to play shooters with so if yoiu can please add me? Ide appreciate it. My GT is as written Jaws Killed You
Just do me a favor, if you add me just shoot me a message with CAG in it. That way i know its from here. Thanks and hope to see you all soon.
- Jaws Killed You
Welcome both of you .... right now "I" am playing the hell out of Wildlands ... do you both have it ?
Welcome guys glad to have you. Add me I’m getting the new Call of Duty.
Hey im demonicgod. Im 38 live in utah and am a retired tattoo artist due to carrpal tunnel. I now drive truck for a living. I play mostly cod ww2 and destiny. I own damn near every major title. Destiny 2 bf1 eildlands fortenite even that ridiculous game infinute that they tried to call cod. So hit me up lets game. Only down sode is my wife had a liver transplant year ago and still dealing with lots of rejection and issues so there are times i simply sign out without saying anything and its cause i am needed quickly and no offense but she gives me pussy when she can and that means she ranks higher then y'all. Just fyi lololol
Holy shit man ...so from tattooer to truck driver ? isn't that worse on your carpal tunnel ? ...
And yes, the pussy rules my Man ... I sometimes do the same and my girl is healthy lol ... :bananadoggywow:
What's up guys, name's Brandon but you can call me wolf. Been a long time since I've been in a clan, hope to break the rust off and enjoy gaming again without dealing with blue berries. I've got cod ww2, bf1, bf4, titanfall2, and The Hunter call of the wild. Gamer tag is IamMasterWolf on Xbox One.
What up!!! Names Martin, I've been playing all the Call of duty's sense MW2. Currently playing WW2 and FIFA18. Try to get on about everyday. Looking to play on a team in WW2 and WIN! Xbox 1 GT: Elite xSilencer
We hate blueberries as well lol ... I'll try to get on tonight after the skins game ... You will like it here my Man if you have patience and are disciplined ...
He hey Martin ... hopefully tonight we can kick some ass ... I will post here when I get on ...make sure you guys add me on XBL ...
Yup i added you will be on today 3pm pacific time. whos going to be on????
I'm up lol. Getting my butt kicked by higher level players to lmao
Im Ryan and i hope to meet more of you soon!
Im 21 and work on houses for a living.
I enjoy anything that has to do with Jeeps and Offroading.
Want to know more? Add Me on XBox: Gibblz N Bits
I really don't know how these thread things work. Not a big internet guy just love cod. Names Dgxblazedkill3r ready to get at it. Anyone feel free to add me online. Not sure how all this works or what I have to do so any advice would be great.
Hey everyone! Just joined the CAG community, will hopefully be recruited shortly.
My names Gabriel, I'm 25 year old guy, living in the south east of England. I do content writing by trade and I'm a returning old school COD player, currently playing COD WW2, and the occasional match on fortnite and PUBG, I look forward to hopefully fighting alongside you all soon!
I will be on tomorrow afternoon between 3pm and 8-9 pm PST ... if you are a recruit I will expect to see you tomorrow ..
Hi my psn tag is HuakaiPo, means night marcher in Polynesian ..I play COD .r6 and apex ..looking forward to playing with you guys
Hello everyone I use to be with CAG back in 2012 as CAG xNemesis617. I'm looking to come back home and have players to squad up with and wreck these noobs on COD: MW and Apex!