no rush just a thought
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no rush just a thought
ok so i am going to start working on it and i will pm you the results that i come up it.... Also im going to include the rank / Class images next to each gamertag:::::
I like the spreadsheet guys! I'm going to get on in a few to help out. Yesterday me and Reaper were on and a recruit join but left shortly after...WTF?
well im working on a beta thing that once i get it dont i will post it after i let Reaper look at it and see wat he thinks of it.
Ok so as everyone know I have a spreadsheet for our recruits so here my beta that any one can see it and see how we are doing I will be adding credits to Cheech for all images I used.
I'm hosting it so no cost to any one. Hope this helps out..
Plus side you can view it on the go with your mobile devices.
Reaper what if I put in a slot where we can put the name of the member helping witch recruits how does that sound.
ok i have updated the list to reflect all of Hatchets games plus reapers 1 game last night that i hope was hardcore.
Ok that's what I put also HatchetQueen420 I have yours updated on their as well as reapers.
I was thinking also we can assign them to a recruit if they don't want to pick them.
We need to keep that link near the top. Yes we can assign them aswell
Could start a thread for it
Killfrost please update hatchets sharpshooter she finsihed today.
Please add Betterthanyouog to the list.
I have got it saved to my favorites in my browser.
Ok when I get done with the kids I will get it all done..
ok it should update in the next 10 mins.
So the voice chats were pretty crowded last night so I am typing it here. Once I accomplish my marksman you bet you r fucking ass I am paying it back. Make sure you get used to me cuz we're gunna help many recruits get in to CAG and grow this family.
We can put Mxillions as a denial.
Ok I was going to do that and I forgot I have been working with some features.
I will update the list the only thing that will not be reflected is Ducks stuff as he has not recived them yet once he does i will update the list again..
Thank you all for your support on the list i have added a mentor slot were we can assign members to help with that recruit.
ya i was wondering why i was still a recruit. how do i receive?
I submitted for your medals yesterday you should receive them in the next day or so
oh ok i was just making sure there was nothing i had to do
Nope you don't need to do anything once they are reviewed they will be applied to your profile. Go ahead and start working with onix if you get any towards his marksman let me know
ok thats what i needed to know i will move his name to mentor on the list by onix name... let me know duck if you want to help out any other recruits...
ok will do re4per
id also love to help with any other recruits that need it
ok ill just check the list periodically to find out who im mentoring
ok i have done some changes to the list heres one i think you all will like.
I think am gona have to set my alarm for 5am some moring to get a game with u lot,
The new list looks awesome Killfrost