Now that.... is the epitome of been nickeled and dimed at 5 hairs a month
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Do you know if that is actually the case thought ?
I believe that once subscribed to ea access it allows you full access to the ea vault which contains ea related games free to play with the subscription.Being a sub'd member allows you to play all the titles from the vault.
To essentially own these games you still have to purchase them but at a reduced price as a benefit for being a subscribed member.
Once you cancel you loose the access to the vault and all the games apart from those in which you have legally purchased.
This link provides all the info in a nutshell -
Personally I avoided ea access from the beginning as ea tend to be very money driven instead of looking out for their player base within their games.Look at how they released Bf4,the game was really broken to the point where one of their maps "dawnbreaker" wouldn't even load and you needed to completely restart the game but they still released it.
They also brought ea access out at the point where they had minimal titles within the vault.If I can remember correctly they only had Bf4,UFC,Madden,FIFA and need for speed which to me shows that they where hungry for money with the lack of titles that where included.I personally wouldn't subscribe for these reasons.
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Did not work that way for me. Once I cancelled the ea membership it wants me to buy the game to play it.
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No i already had the disc for the games I was just being lazy and dident want to have to get my crippled ass up and change the disc when I wanted to play something else.
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Yeep ...exactly how I thought it worked ... Now I remember why I was steering away from BF4 after my dlc mess with BF3. I think I had to buy like 3 maps or something like that. I still do have BF3 but I am sure the servers are all covered up with dust by now.