Great job my man
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Great job my man
Ok I have the spreadsheet sheet some what done. With all the recruits even still on 2 week hold we have 12 recruits...
RE4PER you going to be on later??
Im on now
Be sure to note that R E D L E G has complete his games. He is just waiting on his 2 weeks.
Has completed his 5 games for marksman. He just needs to wait untill the 27 for his 2 weeks to be up. I have also asked him to get his post count up over then next few weeks
Good job. I'll be on here in a few mins..
Remember you guys ... recruits can begin on their Sharpshooter and Expert as well during their 2 week probation so that they can get that out of the way while they wait for the 2 weeks to be over ... gives them a head start !!!
Ok that's good I will let them know next time I'm online with them.
#RecruitAllTheWay #BetterThenCheechAtCod CX is this only for the xbox? little confused
Ok on the 2 week wait is that from the date they joined the site or the date they submitted the clan application?
Date of application I believe