What happened that night is between that man his hot tub that rodeo clown his video camera.. and of course those car batteries. ( For safety sake )
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What happened that night is between that man his hot tub that rodeo clown his video camera.. and of course those car batteries. ( For safety sake )
Yeah the chatbar's server is down right now. Happens from time to time.
But yeah, we should of thought about flyers for when we go to Midnight releases like this. Good idea dude!
We should definitely put together a flyer for when MW3 comes out so we can all pass them out at the midnight release of that.
Ok guys I am adding some new sounds to the shoutbox.
Now instead of the default beep sound when someone types a message, you will hear the Budweiser "WAAASSSSSSSUP"
If you can't hear the new sound click on this link and refresh your page!
Lately with all the new recruits and registered members on our forums a few of you have sent me messages about not being able to use the shoutbox in the front page of our website or the error "This page has insecure content". load the page or don't load warning when you sign in.
This warning is not a security thread but only a warning by the idiots of Google Chrome that there is a script on our website that is not using the https protocol like the rest of the website. Every script that belongs to our website is under the https protocol instead of the regular http protocol that most websites use. The only script on our website that does not use the https protocol is the shoutbox on our front page which is hosted on the developers own server which allows us to use it without using our own bandwidth.
This however posses no security threat to any of you as I make sure that everything on our servers is kept secure, private and encrypted.
So how do you disable that annoying warning? Go to your desktop and right click on the google chrome Icon and do the following:
Click on Properties at the very bottom
Under the first text box which is called "Target:" replace what is already there with the following command , copy and paste everything in red!
"C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --allow-running-insecure-content
Hit apply and ok and you are done! That will disable that annoying warning. This is the reason many of you can not use the shout box on our front page.
For those of you who do you use Google Chrome and want to see what content is insecure by google's standards to the following:
You can bring up Developer Tools (CTRL + SHIFT + I) and go to Console tab. there you will have log entries showing you the insecure content.
Ya I told yu about this the first day I ran across this and you thought I was stupid lol
I kid you Cheech but you did say WTF
Well yeah you told me about this but I didn't understand what you were telling me, you said you had a blank page which is something I have not come across yet, only the warning about insecure content lol...did it work for you?
Ok if you guys are having problems with Google Chrome opening up the shoutbox do the following:
Open up your Chrome browser, log on. Once you are logged in click on the following Icon that looks like a silver shield mark by the red arrow.
The click on the following "Load anyway" link:
Once you do that you will be fine. If after doing this your Shoutbox doesn't open, repeat the process. Chrome is starting to act like a dumb fucking cunt. Sorry guys but this is out of my hands.
Just a reminder, we do have a chatbox, shoutbox that is located in the front page of our website, not our forums but our front page, www.CAGCLAN.com
Thanks for pointing that out Cheech! We do LOVE everyone being active and posting on the forums....we would like to see you guys on the Chat too :-)T