welcome supercant wait to rip it up with ya
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welcome supercant wait to rip it up with ya
then super you shall be called! any who welcome to CAG hope to see you around, feel free to call me winged or munchies, putting it together is just a mouthful lol. but yeah, WELCOME!
Yoo whats up super! We are all glad you could make it here! I've already introduced myself to you so i'll make this quick! I shot you a friend request after we got done talking earlier, so i'm looking forward to getting some games in with you! I've only played zombies a few times, but i am not a 6 year old so maybe i could make a good partner haha
Anyways, welcome to the CAG community!
-General GdubyaB
welcome aboard super! i also like to play HCTDM my gamertag is vokab1 add me so we can play some games.
Welcome super! If you need any help with anything, or just have a question dont be afraid to ask anyone here. We are all more than happy to help people around here.
Unfortunately I am not a redskins fan, I was actually born and raised in san diego so I root for the chargers. I am now rocking the lower case cag like a boss B)
crazy, i have family in escondido, chula vista and I live in Perri Lake Riverside. I am a big Skins fan, since the Riggin days! Air Coryell buddy, with SAn Diego! wOOt!
OMG its Another girl!!!!!! lol hey guys its Gyna just thought i would try to take the spot light from super but its really hard to do, but yeah her and me are like sisters so if you see us talking trash to each other its all meant with love :D
Welcome to CAG death! Any questions, feel free to ask us!
Welcome to CAG ladies look forward to seeing u on the killing fields.if u have any questions feel free to ask.