Dope soap (sp?) said he wanted to do this also, when we played with him tonight, fyi
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Dope soap (sp?) said he wanted to do this also, when we played with him tonight, fyi
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I do not know who dope soap is. If he wants to play in the scrim he needs to message me on Xbox And say he will show up at 10pm eastern and message this forum so I know he knows. This thread is our life line for this scrim. If this is not done by 8pm eastern time he cannot attend because it'll simple be too much to catch him up.
On the day of the scrim
Yep, I agree he needs to do that. Im just mentioning it in case he doesn't sign up, and then he shows up at game time wanting to play. He was told what to do, and sounds like he wants to participate. I
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I would have to agree with Hg here when he says that the forums are our lifeline,the are our lifeline for everything gaming related and will always give the ability to judge how serious a person is when it comes to things of this nature.Although 10pm est isn't a great time for me and will not allow me to participate in this for this reason but I still like u guys to know I around forum wise if needed!
Good shit Hg!
I figured it was worth mentioning, beings it happened after you left. That way you can be better prepared to deal with it, I am not disagreeing with what you said
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Dop3soap is a recruit. He played with us late last night. Not to bad. Before I got off, I told him about the scrim, and to show up. I sent him a message on XBL. And he already responded. ;)
I am not against him showing up by any means. I just want him to be able to communicate with us. Did you guys tell him about the forums and this thread in particular?
As long as he is in a party and will hear my rundown of things to say before the scrim starts i don't see a problem.
But in the future a sign up will be required of him.
Don't forget to tell him there is a password.
Hey guys I was playing with a few of you last night and joined the site this morning, if there's room I'd like to play in the scrim tonight