Ok you guys .. I had some time to work on something for you guys ....
The first one I can change to recruit or any other name you guys want ... or any of the three for that matter .... they are simple but I think they do the job ... I will add the ribbon and suspension rings so they can be added to your showcase in the forum thread area of your profile ...
Please let me know what you guys think by 2 pm today ...
Wow,I actually like these exactly the way they are Cheech.
I like the use of rookie instead of recruit as it would essentially be awarded once a recruit has met the requirement and became an official member once their recruitment period is up.Kinda like the word "prospect".
Looking forward to the ability to work on these and add them to my existing awards.
Thanks for taking the time out to work on these!
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OK ..so are the requirements set for these? I am being lazy as I am drugged up the ass, I hurt my neck and shoulder at work and im on some pain killers and muscle relaxers and don't feel like looking through threads for the requirements lol ...
if you can post the requirements with the image corresponding to it I would greatly appreciate it ..
Il see if I can locate them,shouldn't be too hard to find
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Found them, all three are in one post for ease to work with.Iv put the screen shots with the images below each one so that you know which awards are for said requirements.(not sure if this is what you where wanting).The first award I changed the title to replicate the award instead of Agent
1/Rookie Agent -
*Must complete 5 missions on hard without completely dying.(long revive)
*No explosives or offensive skills (ie pulse) /no use of consumables
*Must have at least one full CAG member in the group to confirm the essential criteria has been met.
*Must provide a screen shot of those full CAG members in the group to further honour the confirmation
2/ Veteran Agent -
*Must complete 10 missions on hard without completely dying.(long revive)
*No explosives or offensive skills (ie pulse) /no use of consumables
*Must have at least one full CAG member in the group to confirm the essential criteria has been met.
*Must provide a screen shot of those full CAG members in the group to further honour the confirmation.
3/ Elite Agent -
* Must complete 15 missions on challenging without completely dying.(long revive)
*No explosives or offensive skills (exception being pulse due to increased difficulty) /no use of consumables
*Must have at least one full CAG member in the group to confirm the essential criteria has been met.
*Must provide a screen shot of those full CAG members in the group to further honour the confirmation.
Hope this helps.
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Ok thank you JB ...I am now working on the actually ribbon to display on the left side of the posts like this one...
Ahh yeah I see what you mean,for the awards and medals page.Sounds good
Once you complete that il update this thread too add the division requirements if your happy enough.
Should be able to get this done by the end of tomorrow.
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Nice man,what where you thinking in terms of the ribbons?
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