GIVE GIVE GIVE !!! Reputation first then Fucking Hell Yeah a post ... it builds your reputation as well as your level and gets you noticed a lot more !!!
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GIVE GIVE GIVE !!! Reputation first then Fucking Hell Yeah a post ... it builds your reputation as well as your level and gets you noticed a lot more !!!
Is there a way to do this from TapTalk? All I see is give thanks
In the shadows. Waiting
I was actually just wondering about this and looking all over to find a way. The closest thing to it I have found is when you give the hell yea on here if you go to the more option you can chose to view in WEB VIEW which essentially takes to the website through the tapatalk app
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
bumping again.
I would like to see more people using the "give rep" function
Most people use tapatalk so it hard...but im going to see what I can do about maybe integrating it..
Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
I hope there's a way to do this!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk