Re:Capture the Flag Squad
In all seriousness, I would really like to make sure that this squad happens. I would really like if the active members of this clan would put their input into this. I've already been putting a lot of work into strategies and would like to know if my time is wasted. Thank you.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
iLL, your time is NOT wasted. I have played days of CTF. I put in my thoughts because I am interested in playing CTF as a team... however, if all we can get is you and myself, we'll still kick ass!
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
thank you brando, i know i have you and the kapt so if thats what we have to run with then we'll just have to do some specialty recruiting in game!
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
Ok guys all this bullshit aside,Its time to start recruiting and playing in some real matches and having practices. I like to have fun, but i wanna destroy other clans.So lets do this shite and quit efffin around.we have so much talent lets rip it up,CTF style
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
For sure Kapt. I really want to get this squad off the ground. I am probably going to be on a lot tomorrow, i'm thinking about leaving school on saturday morning to drive back home for spring break so if you guys could possibly do maybe a 10pm CST meeting tomorrow night? If not, then my other option would be some time on sunday, other than that i'll be on pretty sporadically throughout the weekend. So basically. Anyone. If you're interested in doing a CTF squad, please be on tomorrow, kapt and brando, please let me know if you can do that time tomorrow/when a good time for you would be. Thanks a lot
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
You know im In Gdubs, so what ever you need me to do in the game I am up for it. Even if its to sit back in and guard our flag. Whatever it is I am all in.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
I can probably do that time... I'll be sure to get online... I'm cool with any position on the field, but it'd be good if we all create multiple classes so we can change it up every once in awhile.
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
I finally got my marathon pro, so i am ready to Usain Bolt some bitches
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
Alright men. Tonight we will be having an organized practice for the CTF squad. If you are interested in running with us, I would like to get a full party of 6 going. As of right now, kapt and i will be the runners for tonight, i have marathon pro and kapt is damn close to it, and my runners neeed to have marathon pro. So if you are interested, be on tonight, we'll prolly be on all night so feel free to jump in if we have openings. I know that kapt will be on, so please reply to this thread and let me know if you can attend. After tonight, i hope to get a better bearing on what we can do and who the members that will excel in this squad are. This is also important for those of you who want to stay in this squad, because we will be beginning to formulate our strategies for all of the maps. We will be running through public matches, possibly doing private, but for now I would just like to keep it in private matches to see what we've got. Also, if you're new to this, please check the earlier part of this thread where i have posted my class setups and killstreak setups. If you are planning on playing with us tonight, I would like for you to have all three of those class setups ready to go. Thanks a lot and see you on the battlefield!
Re:Capture the Flag Squad
pshaw, man... you know I'll be there!