This was 2months ago, no real change happend. But anyway, wtf its 2014 and this is just not acceptable for the big money they had become, even after release and all the dlc and stuff. :((((
Wrote while on toilet with tapatalk
Yeah netcode, it's a term people only use if they have no idea what they're talking about. Yes BF4 game is a glitchy piece of shit sometimes but it's not "the netcode" it a just the entire shoddily coded package.
The netcode is the code that dictates what gets transferred to and from each player in a multiplayer match. Things like bullet trajectories, explosions, and melees are all handled under the netcode. It is the bridge between the host and the client (that's you), and allows you to interact with other entities (players) in the game world.
the term netcode has evolved into much more however including things like ping and lag.
All true and you can call it whatever you like..... i did say netcode cause im not the god of english language.....
My message is the same, doesnt matter if you call it ping, lag or the entire shoddily coded package... if we would speak in german i could much more specifie it.... but i have no idea what im talking about right? I just studied it for some years xD
Wrote while on toilet with tapatalk
it's all good man and don't worry about the english, i'd like to think i'm a fairly good interpreter at this point.
Hm i think if people say i have no idea about that TERM NETCODE... i maybe schould give em a fucking hell yea.
For example: on the carbine love i explained a little bit about that: you dont really can use the sar21 in close combats effective cause so many bullets missing hitbox and disappear and with the low fire rate you problay loose most fights. This example was under the TERM NETCODE :(
Wrote while on toilet with tapatalk
Personally I've never had many problems with the multiplayer side of things (what the netcode actually is), apart from the obvious crashing and stuff they had to sort at the start. It makes me believe that when people blame it on the netcode they are just making excuses. I never seem to see these issues people talk about (missed hitboxes etc), or they never affect me.