Re: Where the Hell is Everybody?
Originally Posted by
Emperor XIX
I understand and all, just trying to point it out. It was just SUCH a sudden switch man. Went from 4-5-6 players a night to crickets chirping overnight. Not that I don't enjoy a pickup game here and there with random members, I just miss the big ole gatherings. I'm not disenfranchised by it or anything, just hoping it's temporary. I realize that not everyone has a One yet, hopefully the switchover won't take too much longer for you other guys :) I've already got BF4 for PC so I really can't justify getting a third copy, ha. Especially since I didn't like it all that much on the 360. The levels I thought were far too large (esp. compared to BF3).
Cheech, we need to play SOMETHING. We should get a black ops 2 game night on 360 going. I can bust it out for that. Or GTA V of course.
I know what you mean bro.. When I get online there is no one on, and does get frustrating
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Re: Where the Hell is Everybody?
Originally Posted by
Emperor XIX
I understand and all, just trying to point it out. It was just SUCH a sudden switch man. Went from 4-5-6 players a night to crickets chirping overnight. Not that I don't enjoy a pickup game here and there with random members, I just miss the big ole gatherings. I'm not disenfranchised by it or anything, just hoping it's temporary. I realize that not everyone has a One yet, hopefully the switchover won't take too much longer for you other guys :) I've already got BF4 for PC so I really can't justify getting a third copy, ha. Especially since I didn't like it all that much on the 360. The levels I thought were far too large (esp. compared to BF3).
Cheech, we need to play SOMETHING. We should get a black ops 2 game night on 360 going. I can bust it out for that. Or GTA V of course.
I got ops 2 and I'd be happy to stick it in the old disc tray
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Re: Where the Hell is Everybody?
Originally Posted by
Emperor XIX
I understand and all, just trying to point it out. It was just SUCH a sudden switch man. Went from 4-5-6 players a night to crickets chirping overnight. Not that I don't enjoy a pickup game here and there with random members, I just miss the big ole gatherings. I'm not disenfranchised by it or anything, just hoping it's temporary. I realize that not everyone has a One yet, hopefully the switchover won't take too much longer for you other guys :) I've already got BF4 for PC so I really can't justify getting a third copy, ha. Especially since I didn't like it all that much on the 360. The levels I thought were far too large (esp. compared to BF3).
Cheech, we need to play SOMETHING. We should get a black ops 2 game night on 360 going. I can bust it out for that. Or GTA V of course.
So how about we pick a day for just black ops 2 night ? I would be fine with tuesdays or wednesdays ...
Originally Posted by
I got ops 2 and I'd be happy to stick it in the old disc tray
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I am getting very bored with Ghosts , not even the new maps make me want to play it ....
Re: Where the Hell is Everybody?
Wednesday night post-9pm would be best for me I think. I can do a bit earlier on a Tuesday night.
Re: Where the Hell is Everybody?
If I still had BO2 is be more than happy to join you all but I traded in all my 60+ games to gamestop and gave my controllers away.. All I have left is my counsel lol
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Re: Where the Hell is Everybody?
I don't trade shit in ever lol .....
Re: Where the Hell is Everybody?
Yea I've learned to just keep it because you get fucked on the trade
~Spartans lead the way
Re: Where the Hell is Everybody?
It's temporary for me bud! I have had a crazy work schedule and band practice cause we are recording a 5-6 song EP. I miss our 2 squad CAG CQ and rush games! I have a feeling we will get it back!
Re: Where the Hell is Everybody?
Empy how I wish I could have some more 4 hour sessions with you on the pre Mar 11 servers!
Sent from the Great White North
Re: Where the Hell is Everybody?
Man I got like 2-3 rounds with ColonelSauve last night before I just got so pissed with the rubber banding and said fuck this. I didn't think it would affect EVERY server. Lancang Dam was Lagcang Dam and then literally half the server dropped and we got stuck on the shit team. Man leave it to DICE to take 2 steps forward and 22 back.
Sent from outside Toxic's window.