My AFSC (as we do not have MOSs) was 1C131 for Air Traffic Control
and it was 2A53C if I'm not mistaken for Avionics
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I'm all about talking about my service. I know that some fucked up shit happened to some people when they served, but I got a good life out of it. I'm lucky to say I do not have PTSD, but I DO have a forever injury that will inhibit the use of my right arm for the rest of my life. My range of motion in my right shoulder is about 30% what it should be. I took the load of a 600lb box falling on me... tried to dodge it, but it crushed my shoulder instead.
ANYWAY... what base(s) were you stationed at?
For Air Traffic Control, I was at Columbus AFB, MS (pilot training base... #killmenow if you're ATC [500+ sorties daily]) and was at Offutt AFB, NE for Avionics working on the RC135 Rivet Joint
10 years served in the U.S. Army Infantry, Honor Grad of BNCOC at 3.5 years TIS, promoted to SSG at the 4 year mark.....injured in combat and retired from service in 2013. Sorry MPs but INFANTRY LEADS THE WAY!!!
Hell yeah, brother. Thank you for all you did. What kind of injury, if you don't mind me asking? I've heard that infantry is the SHIT but only from people NOT in the infantry divisions... so word of mouth kind of deal. Friend of a friend or family member's family member... w/e
Hell yeah on the early promotion and the honor grad. The job I'm currently holding was pretty much a shoe-in based on a couple awards I won with the same title... love how that worked out.
I have spinal injuries, TBI, and PTSD with major depression and anxiety but the last part is about what every combat infantryman with a CIB is diagnosed with. I'm still on meds for my back and have memory trouble like Chong (his head injuries weren't IED inflicted but College Football which is serious hits as well).
Well I'm sorry to hear that. Depression and anxiety are no joke. Keep to your routine. Sounds like you've got a pretty good head on your shoulders (no pun intended). If you ever need an ear, let me know. I have a buddy that was a combat controller that has severe spinal injuries to the point that he's 30 years old and collecting full social security on top of his 100% disability... jump related injuries. I feel for you, buddy. Like I said... you need an ear, hit me up.
Where at in Georgia are you from shiv?
Ah, ok. I was born in Oklahoma but at 4 moved to Gwinnett County where I was raised until I left for Alaska in 2003. We lived about 10 minutes from the Mall of Georgia.