Award Request For CAG Randuken! [Tactical Precision Team Medal]
Sender Information
Userid: 342
User Name: CAG Randuken
Request Information:
Award ID: 56
Name: Tactical Precision Team Medal
Description: This Medal is earned by a Full CAG squad of 6 who's total deaths is less than 20 combined
1. No kill/score streaks allowed.
2. Must post on Forum who in the game.
3. Must have a screen shot for proof.
Point Value = 5000
Recipient username : CAG Randuken
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award. 2nd Post
Award Request For CAG Layserman2! [CAG Iron Maiden]
Sender Information
Userid: 5214
User Name: CAG layserman2
Request Information:
Award ID: 95
Name: CAG Iron Maiden
Description: Once a member is classified as an "IRON MAIDEN" he or she must keep their deaths to under 5 and more than 15 kills, a 3/1 k/d ratio.
If they fail to maintain that 3/1 k/d ratio they must start over again to regain their "IRON MAIDEN" status.
No one is required to hold a 3/1 k/d ratio to be in the Clan, this is only for those who want to be known as the "IRON MAIDENS" of CAG.
To be an Iron Maiden members must do the following:
20 kills or more with 5 deaths or lower 10 times in a row
All weapons are allowed, this includes explosives, launchers, knives and kill streaks
Point Value = 500
Recipient username : CAG layserman2
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
I done dis many times :D
Award Request For CAG Randuken! [CAG Brigade Marksman's Medal]
Sender Information
Userid: 342
User Name: CAG Randuken
Request Information:
Award ID: 93
Name: CAG Brigade Marksman's Medal
Description: Earning this medal qualifies CAG Clan Members for a chance to become part of Charlie Delta.
To obtain this Medal the following requirements must be met:
1. 15 kills no more than 5 deaths 20 times
2. Only the MK 14, IA-2 and MR-28 are allowed
3. No explosive kills
4. No team kills
5. No lethal kill streak kills
This medal may be earned on any COD series game, on Black Ops 2 either the SMR or the FAL are allowed ....
On Ghosts the MR-28 and the IA-2 are also allowed
Once a player obtains their Brigade Marksman's Badge, they will be accepted into the Charlie Delta training platoon
Point Value = 20000
Recipient username : CAG Randuken
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
I've done :)
Award Recommendation For CAG LordHavok! [Sharpshooter Badge]
Sender Information
Userid: 3832
User Name: Johnbai84
Request Information:
Award ID: 19
Name: Sharpshooter Badge
Description: COD Side:
This is the 2nd of the Weapon Badges a Clan member can earn. Each Division has their own way of earning it.
The Sharpshooter Badge is the 2nd level and will be more of a challenge to earn. Hardcore Team Deathmatch will also be used to qualify for this Badge and the following requirements need to be completed 5 times:
1. Choice of weapon and loadout
2. Must have 15 kills and no more than 5 deaths
3. No killstreak rewards allowed
4. No team kills are allowed or explosives
5. Must be paired off with a Fireteam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met
BF Side:
The Sharpshooter Badge is the 2nd level and will be more of a challenge to earn. Hardcore/Core any mode will also be used to qualify for this Badge.
1. Choice of class and weapons.
2. Must achieve 600 kills.
3. No explosive kills.
4. no vehicle kills.
5. Must be paired off with a Full CAG Members to confirm requirements are met.
6. Must provide link to Battlelog.
Point Value = 50
Recipient username : CAG LordHavok
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
The applicant has completed the appropriate fields for this award as can be seen via the link provided -
Award Request For Kujeaux! [1 Year Service Medal]
Sender Information
Userid: 4583
User Name: Kujeaux
Request Information:
Award ID: 10
Name: 1 Year Service Medal
Description: The 1 year service medal is identified by the single bullet in the center. In order to receive this ribbon, members must have participated in the minimum requirement of 3 days per week playing with the Clan or visiting and posting on the forums. Posts made on the forums will prove and justify each members participation and amount of days interacting with the Clan and our website.
Point Value = 1000
Recipient username : Kujeaux
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
I survived 1 year with CAG :p ... joined on Aug 13, 2013
Award Recommendation For SIERRAmyDELTA! [Dogg Ribbon]
Sender Information
Userid: 3832
User Name: Johnbai84
Request Information:
Award ID: 11
Name: Dogg ribbon
Description: The Dogg ribbon is awarded to all official members of the CAG. The colors of this ribbon are the official colors of CAG and a darker brown " D " is centered to distinguish it from all other ribbons. Receiving this ribbon is the 1st step towards becoming one of the " Best of the Best" ; the CAG Expert Assaultman.
Point Value = 5
Recipient username : SIERRAmyDELTA
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
The applicant has met the required fields for this award
Award Recommendation For SIERRAmyDELTA! [Marksman Badge]
Sender Information
Userid: 3832
User Name: Johnbai84
Request Information:
Award ID: 18
Name: Marksman Badge
Description: COD Side:
1. Choice of AR, SMG or LMG and loadout
2. Must have at least 15 kills and no more than 10 deaths 5 times
3. No team kills are allowed
4. No killstreak rewards allowed or explosives
5. Must be paired off with a FireTeam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met.
BF Side:
1. Choice of class and weapons.
2. Must have 350 kills.
3. Must be done in TDM/Rush/Domination
4. No explosive kills or vehicles kills in (Rush).
5. Must be paired off with a Full CAG Members to confirm requirements are met.
6. Must provide link to Battlelog.
Point Value = 25
Recipient username : SIERRAmyDELTA
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
The applicant has met the required fields for this award -
Award Request For Bluedevil80! [2 Years Service Medal]
Sender Information
Userid: 2717
User Name: bluedevil80
Request Information:
Award ID: 38
Name: 2 Years Service Medal
Description: The 2 years service medal is identified by the single bullet in the center and the 2 silver stars. In order to receive this ribbon, members must have participated in the minimum requirement of 3 days per week playing with the Clan or visiting and posting on the forums. Posts made on the forums will prove and justify each members participation and amount of days interacting with the Clan and our website.
Point Value = 2000
Recipient username : bluedevil80
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
Its been a quick 2 years. I remember the first time I visited this site, and immediately after that I was playing with a great group of dudes on GRFS. Many more years ahead, wouldn't wanna be anywhere else
Award Request For Gemini328! [Good Conduct Ribbon]
Sender Information
Userid: 6066
User Name: Gemini328
Request Information:
Award ID: 14
Name: Good Conduct ribbon
Description: The good conduct ribbon is awarded too members who conduct themselves according to the Code of Conduct and have had no disciplinary actions, demerits point for more than 1 month. Each month that a member goes without disciplinary actions, a service award star is added.
Point Value = 100
Recipient username : Gemini328
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
Haven't had any disciplinary actions for just shy of 2 months now.
Award Request For Gemini328! [CAG BF3 Veteran]
Sender Information
Userid: 6066
User Name: Gemini328
Request Information:
Award ID: 32
Name: CAG BF3 Veteran
Description: Medal awarded to all members of CAG who played BF3
Point Value = 50
Recipient username : Gemini328
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
played the crap out of this game all the way to bf4