I played with a few of you earlier and i think i will like this clan,cant wait to move up the ranks and prov myself
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I played with a few of you earlier and i think i will like this clan,cant wait to move up the ranks and prov myself
i have filled out all the info i can just awaiting yall's approval
Hook up with some CAG members on live so that you can get to working on your marksmanship badge. Im going to put the word in for ya to get you added as a recruit.
I will add him tonight when I get home in about an hour.
By the way KaptKoon welcome to cagclan.com buddy, hope you like it here. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. There is no stupid or dumb question, only stupid and dumb if you don't ask.
Hello everyone just wanted to introduce myself. First let me start by saying thanks for having me as apart of your clan. I am fairly new to XBox and COD. I started playing both in Dec of last year. I have played several first person shooter games in the past but I haven't played anything online. All of my expierience with multiplayer matches comes from local matches with friends. A week or so ago I started multiplayer COD on XBL but found it very aggrivating waiting for a match to join by myself. So after several hours of playing the combat training option I decided to look for a clan. I searched in google for COD clans and came to a forum that had a thread posted by iLLUMiNATi so I followed that to the website where I contaced Cheech Dogg and joined. My play style varies from camper to aggresive. It really just depends on the map I'm on and what kind of mood I'm in haha. I'm usually available during the week after 7 eastern time, and most weekends anytime. I do know I probably won't be able to play alot the end of May and the beginning of June. I'm currently on active duty in the Marine Corps and I will be moving then. My son Jacob likes to play as well, we share an account so if you get to know me and in game I'm not communicating or my play style seems different then it's probably him playing. He's only 8 but he's actually not too bad. If there is a serious match or challenge or something that I'm supposed to be apart of then I'll make sure it's me playing. Again thanks for letting me join and I can't wait to start playing with all of you.
Welcome, Hypnotic! I joined a bit over a week ago and am finding this clan to be everything a clan should be!
Look forward to gaming with you... and your son! B)
Thanks. Yeah I've been looking through all of the different threads and it definitley sounds good. My son and I both look forward to playing with 'real' people as opposed to doing the combat traing we have been the last few days.
@ HypnoticBandt - Welcome to cagclan.com my Friend. Thanks for posting an intro about yourself.
So Marines huh? I tried joining the Marines myself in 2000 but broke my knees and got an ELS 2 weeks before the Crucible.
But thanks for picking CAG as your new Clan. You will always find people to play with from the Clan. I myself am sometimes super busy cuz of work during the week, but you will always see the other guys on. With iLLUMiNATi you know you are in good hands. He is the man right now behind CAG, if you have any questions please feel free to ask away here in your thread.
@ jsbrando - Thanks man! I am glad you are enjoying being part of CAG. With that chaos that Chaos created that day I thought for sure I lost you. But thanks for sticking around.
@Hypnotic Welcome, i hope you love it here, i'm looking forward to getting some games in with you. i'm normally on in the evenings since i have classes and such during the day. I've got a good friend from high school thats actually active duty in the Marines and is currently deployed in Afghanistan.
@Cheech awww you're making me blush!
@Brando well good, i'm glad you're enjoying the clan. You're doin good work right now, keep that shit up
Hoo-rah! CAG is getting strong iLL and you are a big reason why. Thanks for stepping up to the plate and taking the initiative baby bitch. Lets keep it rolling.