Award Recommendation For Thegrizzlygrump! [Dogg Ribbon]
Sender Information
Userid: 4835
User Name: CAG Sgt Bear
Request Information:
Award ID: 11
Name: Dogg ribbon
Description: The Dogg ribbon is awarded to all official members of the CAG. The colors of this ribbon are the official colors of CAG and a darker brown " D " is centered to distinguish it from all other ribbons. Receiving this ribbon is the 1st step towards becoming one of the " Best of the Best" ; the CAG Expert Assaultman.
Point Value = 5
Recipient username : TheGrizzlyGrump
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
recruit has finished his requirement to be a full CAG member
Award Recommendation For Thegrizzlygrump! [Marksman Badge]
Sender Information
Userid: 4835
User Name: CAG Sgt Bear
Request Information:
Award ID: 18
Name: Marksman Badge
Description: COD Side:
1. Choice of AR, SMG or LMG and loadout
2. Must have at least 15 kills and no more than 10 deaths 5 times
3. No team kills are allowed
4. No killstreak rewards allowed or explosives
5. Must be paired off with a FireTeam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met.
BF Side:
1. Choice of class and weapons.
2. Must have 350 kills.
3. Must be done in TDM/Rush/Domination
4. No explosive kills or vehicles kills in (Rush).
5. Must be paired off with a Full CAG Members to confirm requirements are met.
6. Must provide link to Battlelog.
Point Value = 25
Recipient username : TheGrizzlyGrump
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
recruit has finished his marksman:
Award Recommendation For Pleadzinsanity! [Dogg Ribbon]
Sender Information
Userid: 5563
User Name: CAG SPARTAN21
Request Information:
Award ID: 11
Name: Dogg ribbon
Description: The Dogg ribbon is awarded to all official members of the CAG. The colors of this ribbon are the official colors of CAG and a darker brown " D " is centered to distinguish it from all other ribbons. Receiving this ribbon is the 1st step towards becoming one of the " Best of the Best" ; the CAG Expert Assaultman.
Point Value = 5
Recipient username : PleadzInsanity
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
Marksmen completed and probation is up
Award Recommendation For Pleadzinsanity! [Marksman Badge]
Sender Information
Userid: 5563
User Name: CAG SPARTAN21
Request Information:
Award ID: 18
Name: Marksman Badge
Description: COD Side:
1. Choice of AR, SMG or LMG and loadout
2. Must have at least 15 kills and no more than 10 deaths 5 times
3. No team kills are allowed
4. No killstreak rewards allowed or explosives
5. Must be paired off with a FireTeam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met.
BF Side:
1. Choice of class and weapons.
2. Must have 350 kills.
3. Must be done in TDM/Rush/Domination
4. No explosive kills or vehicles kills in (Rush).
5. Must be paired off with a Full CAG Members to confirm requirements are met.
6. Must provide link to Battlelog.
Point Value = 25
Recipient username : PleadzInsanity
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
Marksmen has been completed and verified
Award Recommendation For Pleadzinsanity! [0311: Rifleman]
Sender Information
Userid: 5563
User Name: CAG SPARTAN21
Request Information:
Award ID: 43
Name: 0311: Rifleman
Description: Billet given to members who earn their Marksman Badge
Point Value = 25
Recipient username : PleadzInsanity
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
Marksmen has been completed and verified
Award Request For CAG Phoenix! [Tactical Precision Team Medal]
Sender Information
Userid: 658
User Name: CAG Phoenix
Request Information:
Award ID: 56
Name: Tactical Precision Team Medal
Description: This Medal is earned by a Full CAG squad of 6 who's total deaths is less than 20 combined
1. No kill/score streaks allowed.
2. Must post on Forum who in the game.
3. Must have a screen shot for proof.
Point Value = 5000
Recipient username : CAG Phoenix
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
Award Request For CAG Archangel! [6 Month Service Ribbon]
Sender Information
Userid: 5188
User Name: CAG Archangel
Request Information:
Award ID: 9
Name: 6 Month Service Ribbon
Description: The 6 month service ribbon bares a single platinum star in the center of full red background. The platinum star not only resembles and signifies 6 full months of active service but also the willingness to sacrifice ones blood for his fellow "DOGGS".
The full red background resembles not only the blood shed during battles, but also action, confidence, courage, vitality and the honor to fight for CAG. The color red has always been synonymous with power, this ribbon proves just that.
Point Value = 60
Recipient username : CAG Archangel
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
I became CAG in December last year.
Award Request For CAG Britz! [1 Month Service Ribbon]
Sender Information
Userid: 5990
User Name: CAG Britz
Request Information:
Award ID: 4
Name: 1 month service ribbon
Description: This ribbon is awarded to all members who have successfully served 1 full month of service in CAG. Each golden star represents 1 full week with the 5th center star representing the recruits 5th week by which he should have already completed and received his marksman badge.
If a recruit does not complete and received his marksman badge by the 5th week, he is no longer eligible for this ribbon.
Point Value = 10
Recipient username : CAG Britz
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
1 month in this family :)
Award Request For CAG Britz! [Reinforcement Medal]
Sender Information
Userid: 5990
User Name: CAG Britz
Request Information:
Award ID: 83
Name: Reinforcement Medal
Description: This Medal is for all members of CAG who have donated a minimum of $5 to the Clan. It is called the Reinforcement Medal because by donating, each member is reinforcing the Clan's site and forums.
The Reinforcement Medal features the $5 Liberty Head Half Eagle Coin.
Point Value = 10000
Recipient username : CAG Britz
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
Hi still have not received this award I applied 2 weeks ago lol
Award Request For CAG Britz! [Good Conduct Ribbon]
Sender Information
Userid: 5990
User Name: CAG Britz
Request Information:
Award ID: 14
Name: Good Conduct ribbon
Description: The good conduct ribbon is awarded too members who conduct themselves according to the Code of Conduct and have had no disciplinary actions, demerits point for more than 1 month. Each month that a member goes without disciplinary actions, a service award star is added.
Point Value = 100
Recipient username : CAG Britz
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
I have been on my best behavior haha