wtf bob you didnt invite me lol
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wtf bob you didnt invite me lol
no prob bob, you're at the top of the list anyways, we'll probably be on all day sunday so dont rush yourself back home
Lucy at $60 a ticket you can get your own but there will be some room in the bed of the truck I will leave it open just for you
I know that CAG has more members than this. Come on guys.
I made a practice today and only had three others show up. Toxic, not talkin about you, youre excused haha
I am going to make a practice for this week. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN JOINING THE SQUAD PLEASE TALK TO ME. Post your interest in this forum, send me a message on the site, or talk to me in the chat.
We need to get our activity up on this website. NEED TO. Please pay attention to this forum when you're on, I will be posting our practice time tomorrow.
well if it's ok even with my hand being sore it's a little better and i played a few games today..i would like to atend the practice and try out for the squad.. i understand my demotion and why i got demoted.. but im here to fix it and show that my posting will improve and my activity on game will also improve.. soif ya'll wanna talk it over or anything im down.. just hit me up..thanx guys.
haha for sure vokab, thank you for responding, make sure that hand gets better! I'll be posting the practice time tomorrow
ok i will be ready for the practice,and thanx for the opertunity..ill checkback for practice times tomorrow..
Alright guys- Lack of activity on the site isn't going to kill this squad.
I would like you guys to post on this thread if you are interested and what your availability is for the next week and i will make a practice then.
As of right now the core is only myself, kap, lucy, and cheech. iron and nitro are unavailable right now due to school. the only other people i know that are interested are toxic and vokab. we still have other spots open so if you are not listed then please make sure you post on this thread that you're interested with your availability times
as always my available times are like 9am to 2pm and 1130pm to 3am weekdays est and like all weekends lol
Alrighty, we're gonna try and get a practice in this week. I'm gonna go with making it on Thursday at 12am CST, i'm back at my summer job and i work 2nd shift so thats the earliest i can do. Please respond on this thread whether or not you can make it, if we don't get a core group of 6 then a practice can't happen so please respond to the thread. Don't forget, this squad is open to both CAG and FR, so if you're interested and would be able to make it to that practice then please respond.