But at least I finally got the Wi-Fi password so I can keep up with the forums!!
However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. - SH
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But at least I finally got the Wi-Fi password so I can keep up with the forums!!
However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. - SH
Gonna grab lunch and then hop on
I'm on now if anyone wants to party it up. Didn't realize today was Friday, the start of double XP.
Let me know if you wanna play blops
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Gonna be on IW here shortly to continue grinding prestige. Had an awesome time last night!
I'm about to get on.
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Anyone on? Gonna run a few games now
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Jumping on in an hour or two of anyone wants to party.
I'm down , I'm off from work in an HR
I shoot to kill !!!
Give me 45 minutes
ONe thing after another. Putting up Christmas lights then im hoping on
I've been waiting all morning and no one has shown up ...
I'm on now
Should be one in about an Hour or so , feel asleep after work was exhausted.
I shoot to kill !!!
Aw snap
keep your hopes up high and your head down low
I'll be home around 7pm est if anyone wants to jump on and work on their badges or what not.
I'll shoot you an invite when you're on
Always tipsy!!!
Anyone online ps4 right now looking to party up on infinite warfare? Lets have some fun
About to hop on. Invite if anyone is playing...
Im also about to hop on ps4 to play some call of duty IW. Send an inv or friend request. Ill b on for a couple hours
Im also about to hop on ps4 to play some call of duty IW. Send an inv or friend request. Ill b on for a couple hours. Also is their a different spot to find other ps4 players? Noticed only xbox1 players posting in this thread it seems.
Awesome. Send me an invite when you can.
Going back on ps4 to play some more infinite warefare in a minute. Please join up if your online and send me a friend request.
I might be playing at 21:00 CEST. But not sure about it
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Gonna take a nap then I'm hoping on IW if anyone wants play send an invite
Hoping on later tonight!
Anyone on?
Just got on , shoot me an invite if you don't fall aslee
Always tipsy!!!
Im on right now for ps4. Noone else to play with yet tonight
Sorry can't help you. The difference between time is a bug issue
Verstuurd vanaf mijn GT-I9301I met Tapatalk
JUmping on now
Actually gonna eat first then jump on
So slow today...maybe tonight?
l'll get on tonight ... this weekend is family weekend lol ... but I will get on tonight around maybe 9-10 pm pacific time
On IW now if anyone wants to party it up
I'll be on in a little bit. My sons playing Titanfall 2.
Playing infinate warefare in a few minutes on ps4 if anyone else is avaliable.
Online COD-IW on ps4 if anyone wants to join.