Gotcha Re4p
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Gotcha Re4p
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I look forward to getting these awards to add them to the pile ....
I fixed the Sharpshooter typo ....
As for SnD medals ...I need you guys to come up with the requirements or wait until I play so I can see what is possible and what is not ...
And Beast these are ready to go my man so you can start going from them now ...
A quick reminder .... to get the Assaultman you must first have the Marksman, Sharpshooter and Expert badges ....
You guys are awesome. Search and destroy is super fun with a good team. Communication is key. Planning on prestige medals?
If I find good images of the prestige images then yes I will add them ....
Ok ... so think about them and come up with some Queen ... name them and give the details and requirements for each ..
I used to play SnD all the time and one award that always floated in my head was a "Flawless" which would be going the whole game with no deaths .... An award like this would have to be completed something like 20 times to receive a "Flawless"
Another one I thought about is "Last Man Standing" which would require you to win the game as the last man standing probably something like 10 times to get that award ....
And yet another one would be a team award for going all 6 rounds without any deaths by all members ..the name for it I haven't thought about but I am sure you get the picture ....
I like the award Cheech but only being able to use the BAL doesn't make sense to me. It's the best gun in the assault rifle category so why couldn't I use any assault rifle?
Only because like every service in just about any military they are uniformed with their weapons ... here in the States in the Army they use the M4, the Marines use the M16, M16A4 and even the M4 now ...
So just to be uniformed more than anything else Joe ... for the Marksman and Sharpshooter you can use any weapon from any class ...
Actually all of those sound great. Maybe have one for so many successful plants and defuses as well. ( since it seems to be impossible to actually destroy the objective before the whole enemy team is taken out) but i love the ideas u have goin to far cheech. If i think of anything ill throw it your way.
Sounds good Cheech! I will be using the HBRa3 😊.
Damn, these are badasstastic!
Im kinda shitty though, being there's really no one on the PS3 to confirm my games haha, can I go back to the ways of the screenshot for the AW medals?
Lemme know Cheech, as I'm now in need of this Badassery!
bump for my question above :)
I appreciate that, as I have tried to prove myself here and what not. As well with doing it before with the Marksman since it's a bit thin on the PS3 side.
Thanks again, and I will be working on this. As of late, I have been getting my ass kicked on AW haha
How many members on PS3?
Well, I have done some recruiting, but it seems they never showed nor put my name in the referrers box.
But on my friends list, I have approximately 8 names, but none ever want to go for their marksman or join in any reindeer games.
So it's just me on the PS3. I have a couple new recruits Ill be working with in the next few days, due to school they have and different time zones. I try to be available at any time so we can get them full members if they pass the requirements.
I have a question concerning the new AW medals for AW marksman, sharpshooter and expert...
Can these awards be earned consecutively with the other proficiency medals or do the you need entry marksman to get aw marksman, entry sharp to then earn aw sharp etc...
I would imagine you need the entry stuff first then go after the others. So in order to get started on the aw marksnen you have to have the regular marksmen sharpshooter and expert. Keep in mind you need the regular weapon badges for any consideration for a promotion.
Personally I'd get my expert first then worry about those but that's just me
CAG Randuken
Major General
I saw somewhere, and I can't find it now, that says you need to complete your Marksman for each new game that comes out that you intend to make your main game.
So I am pretty much done playing Ghosts, unless a recruit is wanting to play it for their Marksman. I am about to start working on my AW Marksman badge, and then to Sharpshooter, and then Expert.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, please.
So if im working on expert can i still post for marksman (as long as im using one game per medal at a time) im sorry i just want to be 100% before i post the wrong things
So that i am clear on this and dont do it wrong. I have my marksman and sharpshooter. Can I now go after the AW marksman and sharpshooter medals or will I first need to get my expert. This all gets very confusing at times. I dont want to be telling Alpha company recruits the wrong thing.
You can go for your aw stuff that's fine just Remember like Toxic told qu33n only use one game per weapon medal.
CAG Randuken
Major General
10-4 thanks
You need to first go for your entry Marksman, Sharpshooter and Expert badges before you go onto the others ...They may only be done in order and you can't use one game's score for multiple badges ...
So if you don't have your entry weapon badges you "may not" start on the AW weapon badges ... is that clear enough?
What have you guys been doing? And is there members who have been awarded medals the wrong way then?
No medals yet.
What we started was if you had the regular marksman you could earn the AW marksman.
Games were only used for one medal.
If you had regular sharpshooter you could go for AW sharpshooter
And so on.
Only a few of us started any games towards the AW medals.
Mostly what happened was we had a game that was not good enough for a sharpshooter game but was good enough for the AW marksman. the focus was always on the regular badges.
Ok good shit ... remember ..always ask questions on the forums if there is any confusion ....
I think we did ask and either misunderstood or got wrong info. I have it straight now I will make sure all my guys have it correct. Im sorry about the mix up.
I guess I am still a little confused about this.
I only earned my Marksman in Ghosts. But I am not going for any more medals or badges in Ghosts, as I am making Advanced Warfare my main game now for the PS3.
What I am asking is, now that AW is my main game, can I just start going for my Marksman, then Sharpshooter, then expert in AW, even though I did not and don't plan to get any more medals in Ghosts for the time being?
I will still help the recruits on Ghosts if they don't have AW, but as for me personally, I would like to start working on my AW Marksman and so on. I know you have to get the in order, and only one game per badge... I just want to make sure I am clear to do this.
Love it bro
This is what every member must get before they go on to game specific weapon badges:
Marksman Badge
1. Choice of AR, SMG or LMG and loadout
2. Must have at least 15 kills and no more than 10 deaths 5 times
3. No team kills are allowed
4. No killstreak rewards allowed or explosives
5. Must be paired off with a FireTeam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met
Sharpshooter Badge
The Sharpshooter Badge is the 2nd level and will be more of a challenge to earn. Hardcore Team Deathmatch will aso be used to qualify for this Badge and the following requirements need to be completed 5 times:
1. Choice of weapon and loadout
2. Must have 15 kills and no more than 5 deaths
3. No killstreak rewards allowed
4. No team kills are allowed or explosives
5. Must be paired off with a Fireteam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met
The Expert Badge is the 3rd level and will be the most difficult badge to earn. Hardcore Team Deathmatch will also be used to qualify for this Badge and the following requirements need to be completed 10 times:
1. Choice of weapon and loadout
2. Must have 20 kills and no more than 5 deaths
3. No killstreak rewards allowed
4. No team kills are allowed or explosives
5. Must be paired off with a FireTeam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met
Remember each game has their own requirements for these weapon badges if you are doing the "entry" ones ...then you might have "game" specific which is what the AW ones are ..... hope that clears it up for you ...