Ok if so I will need to get the recruits application dates.
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Ok if so I will need to get the recruits application dates.
Actually its join
The day they joined the site..
We have always gone by the date they joined the site...
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Thank you RE4PER
Ok was just making sure.
I need a favor. Since I can't see the new recruits clan applications can one of you check and see if BladeWarriorN got his in yet for me? Please and than you
Dont see one for him
Thank you soul
Blade is working on his marksman. He should have an app in. Hes on my friends list had to be through the site.
Nvm i found it. His app was 3 pages back.
Ok I didn't know if I had the permission to see them or not.
I was going to put a copy of their apps in a file for quick access and use it to go off of for what games they play.. make like a recruit portfolio. My dad used to do this when he was in a clan for pc. Lol
Not trying to be a pain just want to make sure they have everything in order.
OK i was just working with DuckonQuack711 and he did really good got his last marksman game in. He has to wait till the 23rd to become full CAG member. Way to go keep it up bud..
I have a suggestion!!
When talking to DuckonQuack711 he was telling me his goal is to mo e up in the clan. Which gave me an idea with these recruits. I would like to find out what the recruits goals are in the clan after the completion of their marksman.
Please review Ducks Marksman post. He will be completing one more game.
Please make sure there posting there marksmen on the fourm and the games get verified please.
10*4 Breaks
I have not beenough able to find d their application threads.
I hate auto correct. It's was to say not been able to
It's ok. Just start asking when you see new COD apps coming threw for the 360 side. The more welcome they feel the better.
ewrawr has just completed his games he now just needs to wait until the 23rd to become a full member.
I'm going to start working with OnixEwok one on one to see where I can help him improve.. He is really dedicated to CAG He really is wanting his full membership status. So I'm going to work more with him on it. Any ? About this feel free to ask.
-CAG Killfrost
-Power is everything.
Now can I recruit from cod website?
I'm down to work with any recruit wanting to do Domination, or any other mode for that matter. Just placing emphasis on DOM so we can give the new req's some trial runs.
Date if acceptance!
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Unless there is a change I don't know about the marksman is done in tdm. The recruits should be focused there until they ate full members
Soulseeker1972 here is the update on mine and CAG RE4PER's recruit list total we have 13 recruits... More we get in the better...
Agreed, but the reason I mentioned Domination is because of this:
Domination Marksman Requirements
I think the goal is to give some more options in which recruits can earn the badge in different modes.
The option to do that has not been told to me. My understanding of the medals are that they are to be done in tdm unless otherwise noted in the medals & rewards section. Breaks can we get a clarification please.
I've just been going by what Cheech has told me to do. No worried friend. I understand you're just going by what you're familiar with. Hell, I could be completely off base and confused here.
As well I maybe incorrect. That's why I asked for clarification. I want my recruits to seceded.
If a recruit sees me on by all means send me an invite I'm in at odd times and days but if u need the confirmation hmu I play destiny ghosts and halo
With precision and deadliness;
CAG ShadowSnypr