You hope not what ?
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I feel your pain, really I do. I have every COD game available for the X1 and not because I bought any of them except the Black ops series, but my wife knowing that I used to love COD buys ever one I don't have when she sees them. I don't have the heart to tell her not to waste the money on it. I know she will buy the new one for me as well even if it sucks. However if not for MWR I would not be here, so...... it is what it is. My question is this, what is the best FPS game out? And why?
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Good fucking question Tosya ... for me right now it would have to be bf4 ... it has all the modern weapons, there are no updates in the foreseeable future that might mess with the mechanics ... there is still a lot of people who play it and the servers are actually very good ....
Besides bf4 next would have to be mwr then blops 2 in my opinion ....
Blops2 was good until it got hacked.
I would like to get bf4 soon. Tosya the cheapest I could find still is at 19 bucks for it
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It's $5 bucks on xbox
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My hope now is morphing towards a new release of Battlefield. Sorry COD. I am cheating on you now!
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