Game is awesome with a full group! Really fun to play!
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Game is awesome with a full group! Really fun to play!
Think il set some money aside and pick it up on release,it has me intrigued.
I like the way that its not like your typical Fps game when ranking up is based on kills as anyone can just about do that.It'll be nice to own a game that taps to my liking of shooters but takes time to progress with xp level and weaponry.
Not stoked that the "its like destiny but different" has been mentioned by quite a few streamers as that was a personal mistake for me in purchasing destiny at release however the squad/special ops/shooter style of the division should make this something that will quite easily be overlooked.
I don't think this game is like destiny at all. Probably best comparison for a strictly console player though
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Far cry 4 meets Ghost recon.. Great Game
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Iv never had the opportunity to delve into the world of pc when it comes to gaming so I wouldn't know the difference from a hands on aspect.
Dont get me wrong the whole destiny resemblance comment from people wont be enough to put me off the title as I feel the modern day feel that the division provides is totally different when it comes to an Rpg/Mmo
Interesting feedback going on in this thread .... Far Cry 4? ... why so?
Just Pre Ordered the Gold Edition for Xbox One
So who all is picking this game up for the ONE ?
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