Kinda shocking how far it got pushed. Usually they put it a week or a few out. It also gets it out of the phase where many game will be coming out, especially Assassins Creed and Halo 5, which is kind of a blessing for them.
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Kinda shocking how far it got pushed. Usually they put it a week or a few out. It also gets it out of the phase where many game will be coming out, especially Assassins Creed and Halo 5, which is kind of a blessing for them.
I'm happy there pushing it back all games are coming out about the same month and time it's not even funny
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Yah I am pissed about this, but I also agree with JB. Gotta see it as a good thing as they want to perfect it and not piss off the fans who are eagerly waiting for it. This game could make or break competitive gaming. Rather hang out a gem instead of a dud
I updated the first post with the official update from Ubisoft ....
If they are really taking their time to fix these issues and others then I don't mind .... I don't want to see another Tom Clancy game turn to shit like Ghost Recon: Future Soldier did ...
Same here I don't want them to rush things and makes us pissed off so they put it okay but hopefully they make the beat length longer so make up for it
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I do like that they are working on balancing the guns and attachments. Hopefully more incentive to use a variety of weapons instead of one broken gun
I talked to a few guys that actually went to Germany and played the Alpha/Beta. The reasoning behind the delay is because they want to balance out the characters because of a lot of flack behind only being able to choose a few things for each player. Also, the beta testers weren't happy with the layout of the menus. So that will be replaced also. It's a good thing that this is happening. We can all say that they didn't push this out with it being a shit game when a lot of people were waiting for a new Rainbow game. Better to be patient than disappointed.