No problem! #CAGclan#1
Sent from Crabville a suburb of Herpes Town.
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Welcome to the dark side ..add me pred8or08 on Xbox and pred8or08s for psn4
Welcome friends
Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
Welcome to the dark side of the force add me up gt CAG Grimlock
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Let's give a warm welcome to CAG's newest recruit !
Mr klopperSSF who's in Alpha Company
Welcome Klopper!!!!
Sent from Crabville a suburb of Herpes Town.
Welcome!! Hope to get in some games with ya if you have an One!
Let's give a warm welcome to the newest CAG Doggs ! Hoorah Welcome to the Family guys
Bravo Company:
Big Red Kaos
WOT (World Of Tanks):
Congrats! Welcome to the family.
Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Welcome to the family
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk