Killfrost my man...great post. This is indeed the essence of CAG. We are a family and we do what is needed to achieve our objective.
I too have never been one for K/d...it is meaningless and on the battlefield, PTFO and keeping your team alive is what counts.
Respect my good sir.
Lieutenant Colonel - CAG Archangel
- European Battalion Commander
- Battlefield Brigade - Co Leader
Good post killer's every now and than we need to be reminded of the big picture.
Sent from somewhere, you've never been
Thank you all for the support. Sometimes we need the big picture so we dont forget what we are here for. To me kd means nothing. i know im good. but if the server says no you dont get that kill then thats how it is..
Agreed! Sometimes I find myself getting frustrated, not necessarily because I died; but because I believe I have a very good understanding of how the game is suppose to work and how certain weapons/situations should play out or compare to one another.. But that doesn't matter.. Play with the family, have a good time. If it's time to be tactical, then play smart, communicate, and win together!
It's not about prioritizing one player over another; it's about playing together, coaching, and communicating to complete the objective.
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Great post Killfrost, K/D is definitely not the most important element to the game, it's about having fun and since joining CAG I get a lot more enjoyment playing with you guys and girls :) i for one am guilty for being competitive especially when playing with Huxley lol but when it comes to helping the guys out to achieve there marksman im more than happy to run around and find out where the enemy's hiding so they can get there last few kills in :) I am privileged to be part of CAG and hope to be here for a long time helping recruits work there way up there marksman badges ect and also fighting alongside my fellow CAG DOGGS during wars :D
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For as long as there are games we will want to be the best. Sometimes we tend to measure or success by K/D, that is a measure but not an accurate one for any team of players. Your better measured by the people on your left and your right.
As far as banned players.....
CAG will never dictate who you play with and we all agree about this, just keep in mind that other players want to game with there clan members without having to deal with a member who was banned. So if you choose to play with them just let your brothers know you will be gaming with a buddy tonight and you will catch up with them later.
Respect your CAG brothers because we will respect you.
I am just going to smile ....:excitement:
This is specifically why I joined CAG. Camaraderie, teamwork, objectives. So far all of these things have exceeded my expectations. Good post.
Awesome post SoulSeeker......
CAG Assistant Commandant and leader of Veterans.